Garlic is considered as the financial spice of Bangladesh. It enhances the taste of cooking. November is the best time for us to do gardening. Because it becomes a good time to grow various rabi crops and vegetables. Almost all types of vegetables can be cultivated in the month of November and better yield can be expected.Since the main purpose of gardening is to get the right vegetables in good and quality. When the right crops are obtained by working hard in the garden then it is possible to get the success of gardening. So work hard in the garden and grow good quality crops at home. Since gardening is a hobby, make the hobby a reality rather than a dream. Be a garden lover like me.
I have not been able to share my garden moment with you for 10 long days due to illness. I have mainly tried to show you many of my gardens through blocks. We have many kinds of gardens in our village house. In rural areas there are usually large areas of gardening available. So the garden can be arranged as you like. A few days ago I shared with you the moment of planting potatoes in the seedbed. You know I love to garden. So all my family including me work hard in the garden.Basically most of the time me and dad spend more time in gardening. We have a garlic garden alongside our potato garden. Even though I'm sick I still have to go to the garden because now is the perfect time to plant garlic seeds. If this appropriate time is not planted in the garlic garden then the time will pass. If the appropriate time is not planted in the garlic garden then quality garlic will not be available. So I had to come to the garden despite my illness.
But the garlics I planted a few days ago. Although I couldn't show up for sickness at the moment in the garlic garden. So today I am trying to show you the garlic garden.The garlics I planted in the seedbed were saved from our last year's garlic garden. These were saved as suitable seeds to get more new garlic from these garlic seeds this year. We can save fresh garlic seeds from this garden as well as use garlic as a spice in cooking. Best of all, we are very happy to be able to grow our own garden as we can meet our spice needs. Because my mind is very good when I work in the garden. To be honest I love spending time in the garden.To be honest I love spending time in the garden. You see, even after I was sick, I did not hesitate to take care of the garden. Garden lovers are like that.
November garlic is being planted in seedbeds. I will definitely try to update our garlic garden later and share with you the moments of my time spent in the garden.