Tomato growth records. 22-30 July.トマトの生育記録。7/23~30【ENG/JPN】

in HiveGarden2 years ago (edited)

Hot weather continues.


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It is one week since the zenith was picked on 30 July. Tomatoes are doing well. There are ripe fruits on zucca, medium-sized and cherry tomatoes. Water is given early in the morning or in the evening after the sun has set. The water is from the tap, but it is very hot at the start. Be careful not to wait for cold water to come out before feeding or you will kill the roots of the plants. We have harvested the zucca and are looking forward to new fruit.


 " " \" \"tomatoズッカ20230730.jpg\"\"""

The harvested zucca has a very beautiful red colour. I'm glad I didn't get 'butt rot'. In Japan, it is said that the most common cause of 'butt rot' in large tomatoes is excessive nitrogen in fertilisers. This time I used only 'Tomato Culture Soil', and did not add fertiliser, which I usually do, and did not use 'Tomatone'. If I had used 'Tomatone', the tomatoes might have produced more fruit. This was my revenge for the 'blue blight' that wiped them out last year. I pay attention to fertiliser, soil, watering and placement.


 " " \" \"tomatoズッカとバジルのトースト.jpg\"\"""

I made 'Margherita-style toast' with zucca and harvested basil. Unlike the common Japanese 'Momotaro type', the cut fruit did not crumble and burn. It tasted like a light sauce and was very tasty.


 " "ズッキーニ.jpg""

Many courgette in the garden are flowering. When the female flowers are in bloom, the 'stamens' of the male flowers are put out and rubbed against the 'pistils' of the female flowers to pollinate them. In the early morning, the bees are flying, but the flowers only open when the sun rises. It is too hot and the insects seem to be resting.





It is not warm enough to work during the day, so I work early in the morning like a farmer. It is 33°C again today! In the morning it is just 24°C. I plant seedling dahlia 'Coraletto' and nasturtium 'Hawaiian Mix'. Since the weather service said that the rainy season seems to have ended, we haven't had a proper evening shower, and the mulched garden is drying out. The interesting shaped flowers are 'Nifonia'. The herb 'oregano' has white flowers. The 'Lavender Grosso' also needs to be harvested. Tomorrow is the last day of July. I'm dreading what the weather will be like in August.

昼間は作業できる気温ではないので、農業者のように朝早く作業をしています。今日も33℃!朝は24℃でちょうど良いです。苗のダリア「コラレット」を植えたり、ナスタチウム「ハワイアンミックス」を植えたりしています。梅雨が明けた模様、と気象庁が言って以降まともに夕立も来ず、マルチングをしている庭も乾いてきました。 面白い形の花は「ニフォニア」。ハーブは「オレガノ」が白い花を咲かせています。「ラベンダーグロッソ」も収穫しないと。「エキナセア」は朝蜂が居るのでなかなか花が収穫できません。7月も明日で終わります。どんな気候の8月になるか戦々恐々です。

Google Translate & DeepL, thank you as always.
Look out for next week.




