Good evening. My name is suminyan10.Now, here's a record of tomato growth since 9 July. こんばんは。suminyan10です。
【2023.7.9】 【2023.7.10】
In fact, on the evening of 12 July, the main stem of the mini-tomato (right-hand side of the image) was bent. The tomatoes grew so vigorously that they quickly exceeded the support poles, and on 13 July, despite thunderstorms and downpours in the morning, we added more poles and tied them down. Somehow we managed to avoid it breaking.
【2023.7.13】 【2023.7.14】
I need to think about stopping the growing point of tomatoes. Otherwise, tomatoes will grow as long as they want to grow. If you stop the growing point, the tomato will use more energy for fruiting. The tomatoes on our farm are grown under a roof, and we stop the growing point when they reach about 2 m in height. From there, it takes roughly 50 to 90 days, or even as long as 100 days, for the tomatoes to fruit and come to the end of their life. We don't do this on the farm, but except for grafted tomatoes, we grow side shoots, so I wonder how far we can go to prolong their life. And will they bear fruit?
Cherry tomatoes are picked off the ripe ones, so it's not easy to photograph them, but the cow's heart tomato zucca is swelling up, albeit slowly. The medium-sized tomatoes have grown to about the size of a ping-pong ball and have in turn turned red. I tried one of the fruits on 16 July and it was a tasty tomato with a lot of flavour.
Today, 16 July, was a sunny day in the rainy season, with a maximum temperature of 36°C. The rainfall was so heavy that it caused river overflows, landslides and mudslides in some areas. It was very hot, but I set cooling pads on my neck and back and took out the weeds that had grown overgrown during the rainy season. We didn't get all the weeds out of the garden, but it did allow the wind to blow away from the road. Hopefully this will reduce the steaming and dying a little. In between weeding, I drink barley tea to replenish water and minerals, and I found a child praying mantis in my water bottle. It has grown a lot, hasn't it? There was a bee flying on the Japanese ginseng. I hope the pollinators will come to the tomatoes too. I have to decide whether to pick the growth points. I'm having a hard time.
豪雨によって、河川の氾濫、土砂崩れ、土石流などの災害が起きている地域もありますが、日本列島のほぼ真ん中の我が家の地域では何とか災害も起きていません。7/16の今日は梅雨の晴れ間で最高気温は36℃でした。とても暑かったのですが、保冷剤を首と背中にセットして、梅雨の内に伸び放題に伸びた草を取りました。庭の全ての草を取ることはできませんでしたが、道路からの風が抜けるようになりました。これで蒸れ枯れが少しは減ると良いのですが。 草取りの合間に水分とミネラルの補給に麦茶を飲むのですが、水筒に子供カマキリが居ました。 随分大きくなりましたね。 セイヨウニンジンボクに蜂が飛んでいました。 トマトにも花粉媒介者が来てくれるといいですね。 生長点を摘むか決めないと…。 悩ましいです。
Your tomatoes are impressive. They grew taller and taller ☺️ and the fruits look healthy.
Thank you. I worry about viral diseases every year. This year we did not get sick, which may have led to good growth.