Greenhouse Plants Are Almost Ready - by Sunscape

in HiveGarden2 years ago

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The weather is looking pretty good for the next 10-day forecast. With the lowest nighttime temperature of only 40°F, I am letting many of the sweet peppers and tomato plants get some sun every morning.

Even though I set them outside for a few hours every day, I will still use a shade cloth to protect them for a few days to let them settle in.


Even the Zinnias are starting to get tall in the seed trays and will have to be planted soon as well.


I ended up picking the last of the hydroponic lettuce yesterday as it was beginning to bolt with the warm greenhouse. I shared it with my son and his family which they really appreciated. There is nothing like home-grown, organic food for healthier living.


The Impatiens plants were big enough to plant up into my hanging baskets this week. They are already budding out and soon they will be full of flowers. I do save my own seeds every year and I never really know which colors I will get to enjoy.


The Petunia baskets are already starting to drape over the edge of the baskets. I have a mix of white and purple petunias this year as that was the seed I saved from them.

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All the plants are doing wonderfully this year and now that the weather is warming up the greenhouse will be slowly emptying out. Now, I just have to decide where all of the plants will go, lol.


Since the tower gardens have sprouted with Radish and Pak Choi, I moved them outside onto the patio area where my hanging baskets are. The Red Cabbage and the Cauliflower are getting large. I am excited to see how well they do in the baskets. This is a space-saving experiment for me this season as I need the raised beds for the massive amount of peppers that I have grown.



My husband got the little pond emptied and scrubbed out. Now the birds and backyard visitors can drink fresh, clean water.


The Hummingbird and Oriel feeders are out as well, and yesterday I saw our first female hummingbird at the feeder. Now, that was perfect timing. Well, that is my weekly update about my urban-gardening efforts and I hope you all have a great week ahead.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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Wonderful progress on your green house and garden! Everything has been well planned and organised. You’ll have a very colourful garden full of flowers and lots of vegetables! An ideal garden to me!

 2 years ago  

You are so sweet, kaminchan. I am believing for a very large harvest this year and the flowers are a lovely addition to enjoy as well. Have a wonderful week my friend.

Thank you! But I was kind of hoping to get a box of fresh strawberries and some fruits from your garden!😂

Good job. Nice seedling.

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much shady.

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Great moment, great start on the green. A really fascinating environment has been created around you.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much!

Very beautiful and lively moment, I have a small garden myself, the scenery refreshes the heart.

 2 years ago  

I so agree, gardening brings us so much joy and satisfaction.

 2 years ago  

I love these seedlings, so excited to see them grow.

 2 years ago  

Thank you afterglow, I am enjoying watching the plants grow so nicely.

Ahhh, the first hummingbird! Your greenhouse is packed! I have to be careful what I put in mine. They are forecasting mid 30's for Tues PM. I'm not safe from frost here until then end of May.

 2 years ago  

We are pretty safe on temps and only going down to the 41° for two more nights. I think we are going to be safe from there.