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RE: Fall Cleanup, Prepping, and Amending Gardens for Winter - by Sunscape

in HiveGarden25 days ago

Can you grow any annual flowers that would attract the bees? I grow all mine from seed every year. They especially love Salvia, Marigolds, and Zinnias. The cow dung will work wonders for the plants like the horse manure does for mine. I almost forgot that it was time for planting the garlic. I have to do that today.


Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have found online stores selling imported seeds for these flowers. So, I would order some to create a flower bed for bees!


 24 days ago  

You are very welcome, if you grow them start them 6-8 weeks before you plant them outside. It gives them a good start before going into the garden. My bees love them.

Okay. Thank you very much. I should give them at least six weeks before planting them in the garden.