Today I am sharing some random photos that were taken over the summer. I decided to empty some of my photos off the computer and ended up doing some editing too. I never know what a day will bring until I start doing something and it just unfolds on its own.
Here are just a few photos of some of the food I grew. I actually started eating the Nasturtium flowers and found that I really liked them. I plan on planting a few more plants next year and eating the leaves as well with my salad greens.
Favorite Flowers
These are just a sample of some of my all-time favorite flowers in the garden-scape. The variegated Iris is always a show-stopper and smells just like bubblegum. I have many different varieties of peonies of course as well as hydrangeas.
I plant lots of different annual flowers every year to attract pollinators to the gardens. Here are a few of the different butterflies that visit every summer.
Pond Life
I adore the little frogs that emerge every year to spend the summer with me. They really are interesting creatures to watch and remind me to exhibit patience during my day.
Elephant Ear
This was the first time I ever tried growing one of these tubers and was amazed at the size of the leaves. I did have to remove it however after we got our new puppy as I read that they are poisonous to them. Of course, she turned out to be a plant lover like myself and loves shredding leaves and plucking the flowers, lol.
This is a collage that I did for another post way back when, but it shows a variety of birds that come every day to my birdfeeders. I just love having so many feathered friends to entertain me.
Yard Photos
This is another old collage I had done trying to give a larger perspective of some of my gardens around my home. Of course, each year the flowers change to different areas and the newer varieties end up in the main butterfly garden. I have shared many posts on those over this past season.
I especially enjoy feeding all the animals that come asking for daily treats of sunflower seeds and peanuts of course. Between the squirrels, chipmunks, and birds I have to buy many large bags every summer to keep them all happy.
Although I have shared a couple of these collages before, I thought they fit well in this post reviewing what my summer season consists of.
I hope you have enjoyed my random photo share and would love to see reviews from you as well. Winter officially arrived this morning with a blanket of white. Perhaps I will have to start taking some photos of the glistening snow covering my landscape too.
Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day
I loved this snap shot of your summer! Really cool looking at everything. Love the garden collage as it gives me an idea of how your gardens look.
I am glad you enjoyed the photos. I take so many but rarely of the whole gardens. Next summer I will get some larger views.
I am glad you enjoyed the photos. I take so many but rarely of the whole gardens. Next summer I will get some larger views.
I am glad you enjoyed the photos. I take so many but rarely of the whole gardens. Next summer I will get some larger views.
I am glad you enjoyed the photos. I take so many but rarely of the whole gardens. Next summer I will get some larger views.
I am glad you enjoyed the photos. I take so many but rarely of the whole gardens. Next summer I will get some larger views.
I am amazed and in love with everything you have shared here, I loved seeing the frogs inside the mushroom, the little ground squirrels and the beautiful flowers, everything you have shared let me see all the wonderful things you have around you.
Awe, thank you so much. I do have a wonderful home to enjoy nature the way that I do. I always have so many wonderful creatures that visit every day making life so enjoyable. Thanks for enjoying everything with me.
Awe, thank you so much. I do have a wonderful home to enjoy nature the way that I do. I always have so many wonderful creatures that visit every day making life so enjoyable. Thanks for enjoying everything with me.
Awe, thank you so much. I do have a wonderful home to enjoy nature the way that I do. I always have so many wonderful creatures that visit every day making life so enjoyable. Thanks for enjoying everything with me.
Awe, thank you so much. I do have a wonderful home to enjoy nature the way that I do. I always have so many wonderful creatures that visit every day making life so enjoyable. Thanks for enjoying everything with me.
Awe, thank you so much. I do have a wonderful home to enjoy nature the way that I do. I always have so many wonderful creatures that visit every day making life so enjoyable. Thanks for enjoying everything with me.
Awe, thank you so much. I do have a wonderful home to enjoy nature the way that I do. I always have so many wonderful creatures that visit every day making life so enjoyable. Thanks for enjoying everything with me.