Transplanting Seedlings To Larger Cells - by Sunscape

in HiveGarden2 days ago


It was time to transplant some of the seedlings that were getting too large for the small cells. They couldn't wait any longer as it is still too cold for them to go into the greenhouse. The next best thing I could do is give them more room to grow for now.


The hot peppers grew so fast this year, and they had two per cell and needed dividing. I put them up into a 50 count deep-cell tray which should do for a few more weeks.


They look a lot better now that they are separated. They are too tall to keep under the grow lights, so I had to put them into a south-facing window.


As you can see, I rigged a shop light temporarily to the underside of the table for the cabbage, onions and lettuces.


Since I was already in transplanting mode, I decided to thin out the stocks and put them into cell packs.


Next, the impatiens got their turn followed by the tiny coleus that I heavily overseeded. lol


I still had many trays left on the island to seed, so I got all the Zinnias, Marigolds, Boarder Salvia, and another round of Spinach and Lettuce.


I had to move my cactus that was flowering into the family room to make room for the pepper plants.


It's a gloomy, overcast day and I think I just might take a little nap with Mika now that all the transplanting is done.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


It seems you chose a very good planting medium.

 14 hours ago  

Yes, I use a seed starting mix every time to get them going. I will be doing some hydroponic soon too, once I get the greenhouse running. Thanks for stopping by.

Nice are very hard working

That was a busy day! No wonder you took the nap! Love the beautiful color on the cactus.

 14 hours ago  

I did get a lot done and I was wiped out. Mika snuggled with me on the couch. ♥

What an amazing plant transplant, you must have taken really good care of it ❤️

Peppers looks so good and healthy, more room to grow should suit them very well
Good job with all plants

 14 hours ago  

Thanks, Sammy the plants really needed more room for sure.

How nice your seedlings this season you will have a good harvest !!!! 😊