Look through this window - it will tell you a story 🪟 🌵

in HiveGarden2 months ago


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Late hour in Poland, I want to sleep, but I want to publish something even more. I took the photos over the weekend. These are photos taken at my aunt's, whom I've known for a short time. She lives in an old wooden house, but it's a beautiful house, it reminds me of an old and quiet village. Quiet from the hustle and bustle of modernity, technology, the pursuit of fast life and money.

Późna godzina w polsce, chce mi się spać, ale jeszcze bardziej chcę coś opublikować. Zdjęcia zrobiłem w weeken. Są to zdjęcia zrobione u cioci, którą znam od niedawna. Mieszka sobie w starym drewnianym domu, ale jest to dom piękny, przypomina mi starą i cichą wieś. Cichą od zgiełku nowoczesności, technologi, pogoni za szybkim życiem i pieniądzem.

I look out that window and in my mind I have a story that my aunt told me. Stories of cacti.

Spoglądam przez to okno i w myślach mam historię, którą opowiedziała ciocia. Historie kaktusów.

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These are cacti of an uncle (aunt's husband), whom I have never met but now hear a lot about. He was a good man. Auntie is retired and in the autumn of her life, alone, without her husband. He died over 10 years ago, she still takes care of his cacti.

Są to kaktusy wujka (męża cioci), którego nie poznałem a wiele teraz o nim słyszę. Dobrym człowiekiem był. Ciocia jest na emeryturze i przeżywa jesień życia, sama, bez męża. Zmarł ponad 10 lat temu, ona cały czas pielęgnuje jego kaktusy.

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Apparently there were many more cacti, they were very different. They filled the entrance hall to the house. Auntie takes care of them, tries to preserve the memory of her husband. Some of the cacti could not be saved, but many of them increase the collection in the whole house. These are old cacti, looking through this window they have seen many things, probably heard even more, it is outside the window at the entrance to the house that they live best.

Podobno kaktusów było znacznie więcej, były bardzo różne. Zapełniały wejście sieni do domu. Ciocia pielęgnuje je, stara się zachować pamięć po swoim mężu. Część kaktusów nie udało się ocalić, ale sporo z nich powiększa kolekcję w całym domu. Są to stare kaktusy, patrząc przez to okno widziały niejedno, słyszały pewnie jeszcze więcej, właśnie za oknem przy wejściu do domu żyje im się najlepiej.

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Photo by @szejq 📸 | iPhone | Adobe Lightroom


 2 months ago  

The photos are gorgeous - you have a really good eye and the perspective is so interesting. It's amazing that she still cares for his cactus - what a lovely story.

A small thing in response to a really lovely post, but please check the community rules and write in English first, THEN Polish - it makes it easy for us to read.


We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome! Keep an eye out for our weekly writing prompts and our monthly #gardenjournal challenge on the 1st of each month.

Hello, thank you for the tips, this is probably the first post in this community, next time English will be at the top :)

 2 months ago  

No worries, I didn'tmute it as I knew it was your first time :)

So many collection there! I wish I have wooden house. I am planning about that. 😊

I would love to see how you fulfill your dreams of a wooden house in a photo report on Hive 🙂