Hi from my garden, my HiveFam!
It's late November, and our planting and harvest season is over for more than a month. Days were warm, but nights were rather cool, so it's too cold for plants to grow.
Now we've another kind of garden work: digging and fight with insects that harm trees.
My brother and me went to the garden for digging, and insects are on our Dad.
My brother's name is Vitaliy, he is 11 years elder than me, but now we're on the same "wave" and can speak all topics and share our thoughts with each other.
Now we're much closer than in the childhood, and I like it.
So we chose wilndless weather and went to our garden.
We have a rainy fall so the soil was rather soft for digging, and it was great;)
We thought we would be busy for 2+ hours, but in fact we could do it for an hour and a half.
Great job!
Warm fall even let our greenery grow again:)
It was a surprise for me;)