Wow, you're gardens look spectacular and you grow such a variety of herbs and veggies.
Using the rain water is a great idea and at this point it may be the only water we can trust has not been contaminate by humans. We do the same, but also use the water from our private well which we had thoroughly tested 5 years ago. Being that we live in the middle of nowhere the chance of the water being contaminated by pollutants is very slim.
I know that I mentioned it last month when I enjoyed your #gardenjournal, but I'll mention it again. I'm totally impressed with everything you've got going with your raised beds, watering system, composting, and so much more.
You've sure packed a lot of gardens into the available space.
My only question is, what are you going to do with all of your spare time after you've finished turning your back yard into a paradise?
From the list of other things that you mention you enjoy doing this may be a stupid question. 😁