I'd say that both you and Mother Nature are right on top of our game.
I'm always looking for some new veggies to try growing and eliminating the ones that I've tried for a few years but with no luck.
The Candy Roasters will be an addition, I only hope to get them to grow to the size of your monsters, unbelievable. The two @dksart are holding could be used as dumbbells.
Now for the Zucchini Rampicante, that's worth growing just for the selfie alone. If I can grow one of them next year, you'll see me and my Rampicante striking a few poses for sure. 😁
The tomatoes look like they may be in a salad soon.
I love the trellis you folk made from branches, for the cucumbers. If I recall you didn't have much luck with them last year, or am I mistaken? This year's plants look nice and healthy.
Keep bringing in the goods girl.