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RE: Summer is Coming {Garden Journal June 2024}

in HiveGarden8 months ago

Good morning, it seems that we have the same critters, but they don't seem to be causing too much damage. Our biggest problems are slugs. It's a morning ritual, grab the scissors and cut slugs, just yesterday I had to snip at least 100 of them, they love the greenery of the potatoes.

We've got a few pots of dill and they're doing great. Last year I planted them too early and by the time the cucumbers came in they were not at their peak.
This year I think I've got them timed just right.

Your plum tree sounds like my apple tree, only 2 apples, and the dam ants destroyed one just a few days before I was going to pick them.

I picked our first radish yesterday and it was the size of a golf ball, that works for me.