Hey there!
Wow! What a beautiful day!
I’m slowly getting my tasks completed and it’s looking great! I can’t wait to start eating delicious fresh food from the garden!
Today I planted a ton of seeds, and decided where to plant most of the things I want to grow. I have a crazy amount of seeds that I will direct sow this year, so it’s been overwhelming trying to fit it all.
I’m happy to say everything is out from under the grow lights and now it’s all either in the greenhouse or planted in the garden beds! What a relief! It’s such a pain in the butt having so many plants take over the basement area, I’m just super happy to have them out of the way.
I also built some more garden beds and began to set up some trellis!
I love this little pathway I popped in here to get around these beds! Simple, just logs sliced lengthwise with a chain saw!
These beds won’t get full sun, so I plan to use them for my plants that are happier in part shade like the greens, radish etc..
This little square garden has been here since I was a kid, I made some changes for this year, as it’s usually done with simple rows of carrots or potatoes.
I planted peas along the back and added some sticks which I plan to cover with netting for support.
I also decided to do a modified square foot garden design, with some semi permanent pathways made with logs to make sure I have good access to everything growing there.
Not finished yet, hopefully get that done right away.
I’ve got some plant hangers finished and up for sale at a local greenhouse. I’m really happy with them! I made a ton of cute little round price tags too! They’re all cut out and ready to use!
I wish people could understand the effort small business owners put into things. I know some people do, but it often seems like most just compare prices with places like Walmart or they’ll say, I saw a lady selling them for such and such price. But perhaps that lady didn’t even make them and just wants them sold. Not for profit but just to re-home them. So she put them in her yard sale for fifty cents.
As for the big box stores, no small business can ever compete with their prices. They’ll be undercutting themselves trying with most items. It’s a disgusting system, so I never get upset for paying a bit more at local small scale shops and businesses.
Especially small greenhouses!
Often their tomato plants are way cheaper than Walmart anyway.
Booo Walmart! Boooooooo!
Momma duck has been out in the pond with her babies! She seems to feel left out, since the other adult ducks go off without her across the pond, and she’s stuck at home with four kids.
She stands on the rocks and quacks at them to come back, but stays with the babies as they toddle in and out of the water and play. They’re so adorable! And she’s a good momma to them!
One has these cool black lines under its eyes, not sure what they’ll look like as adults!
Anyway, that’s the word on the homestead here, hope you’re all enjoying the spring weather!
Here’s some memes!
Take care all!
Much love and light! ❤️
Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.
Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂
The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️
Check out my other creations through my link tree
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I love how you use the log in making a raised bed. Greetings!
Thanks so much! Trying to use as many free materials as I can 🙂
You're welcome (^_^)
I like your raised beds!
That seems like a good way to build them, especially when you have the materials handy.
Thanks! Very much a “use what you got” situation! 😂 it’s been working great so far, though replacement logs will no doubt have to happen in a year or two. It’s mostly soft wood around here aside from the birch and maple, which I wouldn’t want to sacrifice just for some garden beds, so spruce it is!