Let's replant expired chilies

in HiveGarden5 months ago

Replanting is a natural thing and must be done when the plants we plant are at an old age that no longer produce fruit or the fruit is less than satisfactory for the planter. That's what I'm doing right now, there are several factors that I will replace my current plants:

You can see for yourself that the chilies that used to have a lot of fruit are now only the trees, the leaves have turned yellow and the fruit is also getting less so replanting is needed for that

My wife is starting to get bored with the type of chili I planted because the chilies I planted before were small chilies with a fairly spicy taste compared to ordinary small chilies. So now I only plant large red chilies which taste lighter and not too spicy compared to the small chilies.

And this morning I went to look for chili seeds that had grown that were about 2 weeks old and there were also seeds that were 9 days old. However, I chose seeds that were 14 days old because they were a little more resistant to the weather when entering September where it started to rain more often compared to previous months. And I will invite you to see the place where I bought my chili seeds. For places that are enclosed in plastic like this, this is useful for protecting chili seeds from heavy rain or excessively hot temperatures that cause plant seeds not to grow and die of course. In addition to weather factors, this is useful so that seeds that have started to grow are not exposed to disease and fail to grow, After I bought these chili seeds, I took the chili home and I will plant them directly.

What I prepare before I plant my chili seeds is to put soil into a polybag then after the polybag is full I make a hole in the middle of the polybag then I take the seeds that I bought earlier then split the plastic so that only the chili seeds and soil are left. Plant slowly so that the chili seeds are not stressed then cover the soil again.
And so on until the chili seeds that I bought run out.

The problem I have when planting red chili is that the red chili plant is more susceptible to disease compared to the cayenne pepper plants that I usually plant. So before going into battle I was a little worried about the end result, but I will try to take care of it wholeheartedly and I will show you in the next few months how my chili plants have turned out.
Happy planting to all of you.
Greetings from tomi diwirja, Indonesia

 5 months ago  

The most difficult plant for me to learn is the chili plant, it is very difficult to have a lot of chili seeds at home for our needs.

Actually I said it depends on the weather bro. During the rainy season, chili is indeed a bit difficult to care for. We really have to take extra care of it during the rainy season.