My January Garden


Today I found time to make a visual revision of my garden. The weather is absolutely spring and you can expect any surprises. For example, my roses are still covered with green foliage. This has never happened before.

I was most worried about the trees I planted in the fall. But a close examination of them showed that they were alive. Moreover, the first buds began to appear on them! Now we can only hope that severe frosts will pass us by this year.

The most difficult question for me is what to do with the seedlings that I bought in the fall, but did not have time to plant. Do you want to plant them now? Will they be able to settle down? In principle, if you insulate everything around the trunk, then perhaps moving to the garden will be a more favorable option for them than living in a room in the light of a photo lamp. It's really a quest, because the weather is unpredictable... And how would you do it?









It has also become warmer here this week.

 10 hours ago  

Yay, everything looks good with the budding. We still have a foot of snow but I'm starting seeds indoors.