Spring audit of the garden


The spring inspection of the garden is always an exciting moment. Now about 80% of plants can be concluded whether they managed to survive the winter.


My magnolia definitely coped with this task. It is already starting to prepare for flowering. This little tree is definitely my achievement. When I bought it, it was a short thin rod. I've spent more than five years taking care of it. And it is grateful to me and pleases me with flowering every spring.



Recently, I showed photos where my frostbite and frittilaria bent under a thick layer of snow. But you can see that both plants are fine. They handled the situation easily. The frostbite is already covered with flowers, and the fritilaria has unbent its bent stems. In addition, two more fritilaria plants, which I planted last year, are perfectly rooted and there is hope for flowering.




But my crocuses are not very active yet. They didn't like the ice shower. And yet I hope that they will change their decision and I will get a bright blooming flower bed.



The young lilac, thuja and cypresses that I planted in the fall also survived the winter perfectly. That makes me happy. I slightly changed the concept of the garden, where there will be more trees and shrubs than flowers. This is due to both the large number of dogs that break flowers and the climate. I need more plants that don't require constant watering. Therefore, every tree or shrub that has successfully taken root is definitely my little victory.



La belleza de lo natural. Gracias por compartir 😊🍃

It's exciting to see how your plants recover from the frost, I congratulate you for the good care of your garden, each flower is something beautiful.

Very important