I was up early this morning, as today was the day, that the gardening group came to the land and helped me to get my garden started. I cannot express, how much of a relief it is, to know that I now have my garden created. I feel like I have been waiting so long for this, it's been quite strange not having one these past few months. Now I feel more whole.

Very happy with how the garden turned out, it is not yet finished, but it was a wonderful labor of love.
The first step was to identify the contours of the land, which is really where it slopes, so that I could determine where it is best to make my garden beds. The land receives acequia water once a week and it's important to create channels that allow the water to flow naturally into the garden.
So after marking that out, I took the rotovator, which my friend had lend me and began to rotovate the earth. I prefer not to disrupt the soil too much, but as this was the first time a garden was going to be in this spot. I did want to rotovate so that I could add manure into the soil and make it ready for the plants. this was my first time to use a petrol rotovator and I must say it took me a few minutes to get the hang of it, but once I did I quite enjoyed it.
Me using the rotovator, it is quite heavy and had a mind of it's own at times, but once I settled into it, it was great. Shame it broke down.
I was so delighted to see that there were lots of worms in the soil and it looks super rich and healthy. While this was going on some of the people that came began to cut the Canar that I had collected with my friends to make a fence. While some others began to dig out water channels. It was a very physical day, but one that I loved.
Yesterday I went and picked up some horse manure and straw, from one of my neighbours, who has an elderly horse who is super sweet. The manure has been sitting already for quite a while, so it was good to mix into the soil.
My beds taking shape, after getting some manure. The soil here is go good, I can't wait to see my veg flourish.
This was done once the beds began to take shape. The beds are not so big, as I want to make sure that the water reaches the plants. Once that was done we added the manure. I didn't get to make all of the beds as the rotavator had broken down and it took to long to do by hand. The group stayed for about three hours, just before they left we had Chai and Cake. I had made a vegan, gluten free chocolate cake as a thank you.
A side view of the fence, I will add more canar in the next few days, but this is enough for now I think.
Then I got to work making the fence with my friend, who now lives on the land with me. I love making fences and it took us about 2 hours to get this one done. I love to see it take fence and have that wonderful sense of achievement once it is complete. Then, it was time to get the plants in. Kale, chard, onions, broccoli and cauliflower. I have also have lots more seeds to plant as well. But that is for another day.
Finally my veg, could be planted out. They have been waiting a few weeks ad it felt so good to be able to put them into the soil
After 9 hours in the garden I was ready to quit for the day. Tired but very happy, with all that we had achieved. As I write this, I can hear the rain on the roof of the truck, the perfect ending, to a wonderfully productive day. Happy soil, happy me!

Hi, I enjoyed reading about your vegetable garden. I just yesterday said to my husband, hard times is coming with this war, we must start a vegetable garden.
My late husband always grew vegetables.
Are you making raised beds?
I also read your post on the question to God. God gave man dominion over earth. It was made for man, we have to look after it, not destroy it.
Where I stay on the East Coast of South Africa conservation is very high on the list. It's a sub-tropical area. We still have little buck roaming in the streets between the houses, monkeys, caracal and monitor and lots of snakes. We call it our paradise.
But I thought to copy you the part of the creation account in the Bible. I think you will find it interesting.
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food”; and it was so.
Genesis 1:26-30 NKJV
Have a wonderful day. https://bible.com/bible/114/gen.1.26-30.NKJV
This is awesome, so happy for you. A Rotavator is so handy!!! I've never used one but boy it would have saved me some hard work over the years..
Know what you mean about digging soil but it's hard to avoid. I've kept mine covered this summer AND planted a green manure crop which I let simply sit after chopping and let chooks pick over. Then yesterday when I dug rows for broad beans I found soil healthier than it's ever been.
Don't forget the #gardenjournal tag 💚🌱
Can't wait to see progress and very happy you have a garden started at last!
I am so so happy, thanks for a reminder about the tag xxxxx
Darn, I am burning with envy. I need to be doing this. Anyway, looks good. Keep it up.
Thanks so much @nicholasrichards xx
Definitely the perfect ending!!!
Worms, friends, dogs, rain, all perfect!
It is amazing that you and your friends managed to do all this work in one day. And the photo with the rotovator is awesome :)
Ah thank you @traisto, I'm going to have arms of steel at the end of all this lol xxx
I am so happy and excited for you! That’s a really nice size garden you have with rich soil and all. I hope it does so well and everything you plant grows abundantly.
How are your little ones? I know they are getting big by now. Are they excited to help you tend the garden?
Ah thank you beautiful. My girls are doing great, my eldest will be 13 in 3 months, she is growing so fast and they are real happy to help xxxxx
Oh my gosh! You’re gonna have a teenager?!!! 😮😆
Wow!! They grow so fast. My daughter will be turning 12 in April. She’s sooo excited to officially be a preteen. 😄
So glad to hear they are doing well and happy to help their lovely hard working mama ~ ❤️
Beautiful! I'm about to start planting next week here in North Carolina.
Thank you Leslie, I am so happy to have got this done good luck with your planting xxx
Thanks for the support xxx
Your garden is looking good!
Thank you @amberyooper xxx
woow beautiful garden, good for you my friend 😍
Cheers @arashthr xxxx
Good luck with your garden, I think it will be the beginning of great things to come your gardening. With that being said, I am excited to see some updates from you about your gardening. Good afternoon.
Thanks so much @afterglow , I appreciate your words xxx
You're welcome (^_^)
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Woohoo, thank you xxx
I have the sudden urge to dig in some nice soil but there's snow on the ground. :) It will be fun watching the progress. What a gift to your girls. ..
Before you know it, you'll be getting dug in lol. Cheers @truthabides, a gift for me and my girls for sure xxx