Hello Friends in HiveGarden Community, today I will share information about the journey of rice to become the staple food of rice. Most Indonesian people rely on rice as their staple food, rice comes from rice plants that grow a lot in rice fields. in my area the rice plants are starting to turn yellow, but not all of them, because of the inconsistency in planting time. This happened because farm laborers had to take turns working the land, so that no one worked the rice in the fields. Times are changing, many generations now are leaving the profession as farmers for various reasons. Many farmers sell their rice fields on the grounds that no one takes care of them and there are also those who convert their rice fields into oil palm plantations.
The farming profession is a noble profession, farmers grow staple food for human needs, but there are also people who think narrowly and look down on the farming profession. Whereas if there are no farmers, no matter how much money we have, it will not be worth it if there are no staple foods that we will buy.
Most Indonesian farmers still grow rice manually / traditionally. First, farmers plant superior rice seeds on land/fields. after 3 days, the rice seeds start to grow green.
after 5 days the seeds are sown, usually the seeds start to grow completely green.
While waiting for seeds to grow and worthy of planting, farmers process the fields. Farmers began plowing rice fields to make the ground loose. This process is done with the help of the machine, but there are still farmers who use animals such as buffalo to plow rice fields.
After 15 days, the seeds are ready to be transferred to the fields.
Traditional farmers remove the seeds of the rice plant and tie it to make it look neat and not scattered, the tied seeds will be distributed to the fields to be planted.
It's time to plant rice seeds in the fields. the process of growing rice in the fields usually takes place in the rainy season, because of the effects of global warming, farmers use water machines to get water from the soil and drain it into the fields. Rice planting is still done manually and traditionally.
After 40 days of planting, the rice plants start to turn green, maybe that's why the country of Indonesia is called the equatorial Jambrut, the verdant expanse of rice must look beautiful when viewed from above.
Entering the 50th day, the rice plants are starting to bear fruit.
it takes 30-35 days for rice fruit to turn yellow.
But sometimes due to strong winds knocking down rice plants, so farmers have to harvest rice faster so that the rice does not rot because it is submerged in water.
Rice harvesting can be done traditionally or with the help of machines like this.
after the rice is harvested, then the rice is dried in the sun until the rice grain dries, then the rice is milled in the rice mill to produce rice.
After all the rice crops are harvested, farmers pile rice straw on the edge of the rice field, after the straw is dry, the farmer will burn it, this is done to clean the fields and fertilize the fields again.
that's my story about how to grow rice in most parts of Indonesia.
Thank you for reading my writing.
Best Regards
I remember my time in Asia admiring rice fields in Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines. I even spen a couple of hours planting seedlings - never again! It's such hard work and the farmers have my admiration.
My wife grew up growing rice in rural Philippines, so she enjoyed this post too.
woouw I'm sure your wife will remember the good times among the rice paddies @ligayagardener
She has many tales of that part of her life.
A great description of what looks like very hard work
Thanks @nikv
This kind of image always makes sad, months of labor and money are wasted in an instant.
Yes @afterglow, Every farmer hopes for an abundant harvest, but sometimes calamity comes @afterglow
Such a labor of love! We started our 2nd cropping season a few weeks ago and it was sooo hard and laborious.
One motivation from my grandma that help us continue with rice is that extreme weather is rare and there is profit most of the times.
Happy farming!
May our crops be abundant and blessed @oniemaniego
Waw postingan yang sangat bagus dan lengkap, saya saat ini juga sedang belajar bertani padi, doakan mudah2an hasil nya kali ini melimpah. Amin
semoga kamu berhasil dan mendapatkan panen berlimpah @mrzsuha
Amiinn, terimakasih.
Kk saya pemula di hive. Kira2 saya harus ikuti komunitas mana yang menjanjikan dukungan suara, mohon bantuannya kk
kamu suka di bidang apa? saran saya sesuaikan keahlian kita dengan komunitas yang akan kita ikuti @mrzsuha
Suka nya berbagi opini dan pendapat aja, kira2 komunitas apa ya?