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RE: Wet Soils And Potato Focus

in HiveGarden2 years ago

This looks more than good when I compare it with gardens in my area. When the wild boars weren't "taking care" of the potatoes, the deer were on hand to help themselves to all kinds of leafy vegetables.
One neighbour even complained that the tomatoes almost disappeared, turning from green to black in a few days.
For us, it is not quite as bad. Our gardens are not outside the village, but close to the house.


I have wild boars visit my potatoes once, about two months ago but they (luckily) don't come back, obviously, they don't find what they looking for. Deers are present occasionally, I have now a solar flashlight, which reacts on near movement, I think it's a good solution for the night.

I have now a solar flashlight

Sada znam, šta sam zaboravio, kada sam išao prošli puta u dučan.😊😮