Back to gardening work - Plant nursery.

in HiveGarden7 months ago

Hello friends, how are you? I was too long away from this beautiful community, the truth is that I was absent for many months, sincerely I miss sharing all my posts of tomato, paprika, pineapple, and other crops that I could show you months ago, however I am 100% committed to the university to obtain my degree of Agronomist Engineer, and it is likely that in the coming weeks or months, I will be sharing again with you some pictures and crops which I will visit.
For example here is a post of a pineapple crop, and those plants are still alive and productive, I will probably upload some actual photos soon.

But for now I want to show you something cool that I had the opportunity to visit is again a propagation threshold or plant nursery, in the matter of plant propagation, and we will probably have to do a project regarding the repair of a plant propagation tunnel for plant propagation by cuttings.


Well first we begin a tour of the propagation threshold, which today is affected because they changed the mesh from black to white and this negatively impacted the vast majority of shade plants that are propagated here, however some paperwork is being done to change the mesh again.
Here we can see everything, ornamental plants, vegetables, trees, ferns, cactus and most of these plants are propagated asexually or by cuttings.

Another problem we noticed here is the lack of customers, we noticed that there is not much supply so there are a lot of plants that have 6-7 months in stock and have not been sold.
Of course it is serious because if there are no sales, there is no income to continue producing and paying employees.
However, it is one of the few nurseries in the city that has this quantity and different species of plants, some of them very exotic and with very bright colors.













One of the positive things that this place has without a doubt is that they produce their own solid earthworm humus, here a few years ago we did a project together with another professor where we took 2kg of Californian earthworms, so far they have maintained and reproduced very well, and here they use this humus for their plants. They also have a very good production of biol and efficient micro organisms that they apply in conjunction with organic fertilizers.
So we could say that this is 100% organic production.






And here is where our knowledge as engineers begins, the project consists of reorganizing these propagation tunnels, looking for the highest solar incidence to be beneficial and also to see how much material we need, of course using the mathematical knowledge that we saw in other subjects.
The idea is to run both tunnels where up to 5000 plants are propagated by cuttings every 45-60 days.




And of course also apply here the urban gardens, although we are in the center of the city, the space and the place has the conditions to make small gardens of certain vegetables, in addition these teachings will be dictated as courses also so that people are interested.





Of course we are very excited about this project and it will be incredible to be able to work here and see of course how the daily routines of these people are, as well as to see how they obtain the mother plants for propagation since they have an incredible variety.





See you next time.

 7 months ago  

Welcome back! Earthworm hummous - I think we call it vermicost? No wonder their plants are healthy.


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Hey thank you very much for the welcome, yes it is true they also call it vermicompost here, but we are more familiar with solid or liquid humus.

This is attractive