A Series of Events

One of my favorite phrases, "A Series of Awakenings" encapsulates the idea that personal realization is not an isolated, singular event. Moreover, it also hints at the subtle notion that "Awakening" is in essence an ongoing, active process of self-realization.

Our point of observation factors a great deal into the dynamic process of awakening. The majority of people are not sincerely awakened but simply prompted into action & reaction by traumatic, turbulent events only to (predictably) to return to business as usual.

PSYOPS, False Flags and CRISIS with social impact to disturb millions of people need to maintain a coherent momentum to create the necessary conditions to transition society to the next collectivized structure. As the master-narrative breaks down through spontaneous consensus the System backs down...while the new Structure imposed via "brutal but effective" policies is obfuscated.

Though the talismanic power of 9/11 has waned the Surveillance Grid continues to thrive. Despite the mass-awakening of COVID-1984...the same people who opposed experimental vaccines are now supporting the politician which expedited their implementation via Operation Warp Speed.


As the centralization of power continued and the lockdown of society persisted the uniformity of opposition from all sides intensified. For a brief moment the State, the Corporations and the sycophants parading as "verified" authorities --were seen in a critical light. The general public had their 15 minutes of Conspiracy Theories, meanwhile a new class of controlled dissidents were installed into public infamy via subterfuge. The truth behind this Spectacle is exposed via a limited hangout to nudge people into artificial reservoirs of meaning.

In the Age of Information TRUTH is a matter of relevancy to the CURRENT THING, and if you're not participating in the CONTROLLED conversation then you're irrelevant. As the bizarre times continue accelerating in "warp-speed" we are endlessly prompted to participate, to perform and to pacify our existential dread by choosing a leader, a cause and a group to conform.

Oftentimes we mistake our point of observation to be the point of origin for all things: Our perspective is truncated to a single life-time with limited reason and riddled with existential dread. As an individual coming into being in post-modernity the alienation, exploitation and manipulation is abstracted, redacted and marketed to us as the CURRENT THING. Involving ourselves in the CURRENT THING gives a sense of false meaning and offers us limited form participation in the construction of a New World.

As digital nomads in the information age we take for granted that metrics of self-valuation (e.g. likes, followers and narratives) are a deep-state concoction that does not actually represent the ineffable meaning of life. We service the machinery by assimilating our life-experience into the matrix in the expectation of a dopamine reward.-Hector Combo

Historically, the Superstructure of the Big Conspiracy extends from East to West --from Communism to Capitalism. The Globalist Regime breaking down into Multi-Polar regional power-blocs is the latest scam to confuse any meaningful, cohesive world-wide opposition.

The CONTEXT to today's socio-political upheaval stems from a perennial continuum which unfolds throughout history. The TRUTH is that Wall-Street and the City of London fomented the Bolshevik revolution, funded the Nazi's and simultaneously implement a Hegelian Dialectic to synthesize the coming of the New Age, the New Dawn...their latest model of global-control.


The Communist TAKEOVER of America happened DECADES ago! Conveniently enough we are now told half-truths only so the technocrats can prompt us to the next stage: COMMUNITARIANISM. This New Global Architecture is gradually introduced through technology, sociology and "impact investment," and represents an amalgam of localism, libertarianism, socialism and centralization.

The Deep-State, the military-industrial complex and financial juggernauts infiltrated institutions, subverted politicians and exercise the power to mold the minds of millions anonymously. The Moscow, Tel Aviv, New York CONNECTION established itself in America through the cover of the cold war, and thoroughly implanted itself in critical positions of power. The Hegelian Dialectic is a two-way street in which Good Cop vs Bad Cop inevitably leads to a third secret way --which conveniently sets the stage for the Matrix of Control.


Check out Brendon O' Connell's work to get the Big Picture and poignant analysis on this field of research.

This is the real origin of the CURRENT dilemma confronting Americans and the rest of the world. While it may be politically convenient and cathartic to blame China, Russia for the undoing of the American experiment --we can confidently traceback this tragedy to enemies within the gates. This critical analysis evades the cultural programming because the truth hides hides beneath the holy idol of ideology

We mythologize, intellectualize and abstract reality to force it to conform to our ideological convenience. We Escape from Freedom due to our anxiety towards life, and flee from self-realization because AWARENESS is inseparable from " thoughts of mortality".

No one can change this terrible state of affairs, and science has no remedy to offer. One can turn to faith-based religions to quell angst, but despair and dread haunt the mind nonetheless. They are ontological. -Michael Tsarion

While we aimlessly click away in the hyperreal abyss the Alchemical Procession continues unchecked by any cohesive, uniform and proactive opposition.
We choose to deny this reality because it does not conform to our reductive expectations. This realization does not offer us immediate comfort. We become lost unto our Self without a compass to navigate the inauthentic landscape of realpolitik.

Letting go of the False-Self is implicitly painful --however it is not the end of the Self but the painful beginning of SELF-REALIZATION. Confronting this existential, political dilemma with heartfelt intuition is the way-forward through this perilous journey of individuation from the Spectacle.


The Series of Events which will unfold from this staged political theater is intended to demoralize, divide and depersonalize individuals into collectivized units only to be used in the grand-chessboard. The long-term, individual solution to the Spectacle is to live life beyond the shadows, beyond ideology and beyond our dependency to the Matrix of Control.