fago cross-posted this post in Conspiracy Realists 4 years ago

The lockdown is the biggest mistake

in #lockdown4 years ago (edited)

In the thousands of years before the Covid-19 panic, when an outbreak of infection occurred, only those people who were sick or infected were quarantined, which is logical. Those at risk were isolated and treated. What the stupid governments have now done, to lock up the whole population, that is 99 percent who are neither ill nor infected, has never been done before in the whole history of mankind. It is therefore absolutely clear to me that it is not at all about protecting our health, but about a sinister plan, and they have quite different plans for us.

When you hear what the so-called "health experts" and their servile politicians say, the containment measures against the population will continue until a vaccination is ready, that is until 2021. Only when all people have been vaccinated will there be a "return to normality", they say. Only those who have a "vaccination certificate" will be able to move "freely".


This means that governments clearly have two things in mind: Destroy the economy and inject people with a cocktail of poison, followed by tagging for total surveillance. They can also carry through their plan for a world government and digital world currency without resistance, because global problems need a global solution.

What is going on here is the "problem-response-solution" approach. You create the problem, the virus pandemic, you react with a lockdown of the whole society, and the solution is presented as compulsory vaccination. The naive masses of people do not understand what is actually happening to them and believe that it is a matter of protecting their health.

Why do they want to destroy the economy?

Because the whole financial system would have collapsed this year anyway and with the corona virus they have a perfect scapegoat for it. It is not the catastrophic planned economy of the central banks and failed financial policies of the governments that are to blame for the crisis but an invisible virus.

The economy and the financial system has a long and large "pre-illness", just like the people in the "hotspots" with the higher infection and death rates. Just like the coronavirus is most likely to affect people who are already sick, the shutdown hits the sick economic and financial system and leads to its collapse.

To use the example of a coma patient, who is clinically dead but still hanging on tubes, the economy and the banks have been kept artificially alive by a flood of cheap money since 2008, and they should have died long ago. That is socialism and planned economy, because if there was capitalism, the market would have sorted out the sick companies.

The assertion that many people make today that capitalism, i.e. the market economy, has failed is not true at all, because we never had a real market economy. NEVER!!!! An unelected committee in the central banks has been determining the money supply and the interest rates for over 100 years and not the market. This cabal thinks it can intervene in and control the economy through monetary policy.

The task of the central banks is NOT to ensure monetary stability, but to shift the wealth of the masses from the bottom to the top, i.e. to impoverish the working population and make the rich even richer. This is how the billionaires and multi-billionaires came into being. The losses are socialized and the profits privatized.

Who will get the aid money because of Corona? Only the corporations and not the small businesses, and the people who lose their jobs are fobbed off with alms. The speculators on Wall Street are filled up with money, so that the stock prices rise again, because "God-Mammon" is worshipped.

Two- and three-digit billions of assets can NEVER be earned through honest work and good business ideas, but only through help from above, insider knowledge, corruption, manipulation, fraud and robbery. Bill Gates did not become the richest man in the world with Microsoft because he was a good programmer, but because he virtually stole the first operating system (MS-DOS) for the PC.

How Bill Gates made Microsoft - full documentary


Then, using insider knowledge, he cheated IBM with a license agreement by paying them $10 per PC sold. The initial 2000 PCs per year that IBM produced became millions and then hundreds of millions, multiplied by 10 dollars made billions. The licensing revenue for software copying was like printing money.

Immediately after the outbreak of the corona virus, Bill Gates resigned from the board of Microsoft, on 13 March 2020, to devote himself entirely to the satanic mission of vaccinating the 7 billion people on this planet, his "hobby" as a "benefactor". In the interviews with the media, he openly admits this without hesitation, and that all those vaccinated receive a legible mark.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the main private financier of the WHO and therefore does what Gates says. This "World Health Authority" is almost exclusively focused on vaccination and this will be implemented step by step this year as a "solution".

The lockdown is the biggest mistake because it does more harm than it prevents.

Some countries have taken a different path and are proving that it is possible without shutting down the economy and society

Sweden shows this, because there is no lockdown, no 'stay at home' rule, no general closure of factories, but only protection for the vulnerable older generation. Life goes on more or less normally.

And? Is that why Sweden has astronomically high numbers of infected or dying people, as the alarmists predict? NO!!!

Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world's best epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish government, says the correct policy is to protect only the old and weak, and not to lock up all citizens who are healthy. This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a "by-product", which will bring the rapid end of the epidemic.

He says Covid-19 is a "mild disease" and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people. The actual mortality rate of Covid-19 is in the range of 0.1%. At least 50% of the population both outside Sweden and in the country itself will get the virus without getting sick and showing symptoms.

Professor Giesecke emphasizes that the freedom-limiting measures taken by governments are not justified when the facts are considered soberly. He warns that the repeal of constitutional rights by the epidemic laws will be maintained after the crisis, because that is what states always do and do not roll back.





It is not Sweden that is conducting an experiment that has never been done before and is getting out of line, but all the other countries with the general lockdown are doing something extraordinary and stupid.

Sweden currently has far fewer confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million population than Belgium, Spain, Italy, France, the UK and the Netherlands, and it has no population lockdown at all; and it estimates that a third of its citizens are already infected and are now immune.


According to Emma Maria Frans, a researcher at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, the strategy in Sweden is based on social distance to risk groups, such as the elderly, a fact-based measurement of the effects, without restricting people's daily lives, measures that can be practiced over a long period of time. What the other countries do is not feasible over many months.

What the alarmists in the governments with the lockdown have not thought about, how do they want to get out of it? Any relaxation will cause an increase in the number of infected people, which will make the screamers shout, "you're killing people with this," which will cause the next lockdown. Out and in, out and in for months if not years.

According to data as of April 16th, Corona deaths in Sweden are even lower than during a regular flu season, also lower than in countries with a strict lockdown. This means that if the lockdown were really effective, the figures in Sweden would have to explode without lockdown, there would be mass deaths. But this does not happen.

A much more extreme "good example" is Taiwan, with 395 cases of infection and only 6 deaths, out of a population of 23.8 million. Although the island is right next to China and over a million Taiwanese work in mainland China, there is no wave of infection. There is no lockdown, no closing of shops, factories, schools or restaurants and therefore no damage to the economy.

Taiwan has also focused on isolating the infected and those who have come into contact with them. Instead of locking up everyone, whether or not they are affected by the virus, the elderly are specifically protected and the sick are treated.

Singapore and South Korea have taken a similar approach, no general quarantine of the population but targeted measures for those infected, have surprisingly low infection rates and deaths, and the economy has not been damaged by a standstill.

What we were told, that we all have to stay at home to keep the infection curve flat and not to overtax the capacities, turned out to be wrong, because there was no wave of infection and the hospitals are empty.

In fact, because treatments and operations are no longer carried out, more people are dying of cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases than usual. Doctors and nurses are standing around because they have to be free for the corona patients, but they are not coming. How absurd is that?

So you can say that what the governments in Europe have triggered with the lockdown, except in Sweden, is a huge mistake, because it is a collective suicide of society and the economy. Nothing will ever be the same again.

With the alleged intention to protect the population, a heap of rubble is being wreaked, a damage that runs into the trillions and leads to pandemic totalitarianism.

On Thursday, April 23, the latest unemployment figures of the USA were announced. Another 4.4 million Americans made initial claims for unemployment benefits last week, showing that at least 26 million people have claimed unemployment benefits since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

What nobody talks about but is rolling towards us is the imminent lack of food

The farmers are pouring milk away, carrying out emergency slaughtering because there are no buyers, the processing plants are closed. The feed and seed companies are not working either. Nothing can be sown, which again means a bad harvest in summer and autumn.




The warehouses of the wholesalers and grocers are soon at the bottom because there are no supplies. This becomes "funny" when the shelves of the supermarkets can no longer be filled and stand empty. If there is anything left to buy it will be very expensive. This is what the governments have done with the lockdown.

This is a translation of a german article supplemented by links that confirm the information and statements.
Here is the link from which the cover picture was taken, too.


May the Good be with you!