If You Receive A Jury Summon By Mail it is FAKE (USA)


Recently, a Jabber** told me she received a Jury Summons in the mail and hopes she doesn't get called. I did a search here on HIVE to see if this topic had been covered and I found a bunch of posts from people who still buy into this FRAUD.

**A Jabber is someone for whom there is no hope. This person has so much unresolved fear that they actually took poison into their body because someone on Tell Lie Vision told them to do so. Oh Well. I do not bother telling these people the Truth unless they directly ask me for it and even then, I might say "do you really want the Truth?" by which time they will probably have moved on to the new laundry detergent they are going to try.

For a Summons to be REAL it would have to come by CERTIFIED MAIL so that you would have to sign for it.

Why? Because otherwise it could "blow away" - "be thrown out with the junk mail" or lost some other way.

This new "mailing of the summons" is just a way for the state to save money - and people are so ignorant that they have no idea. The state has people under such fear-mind-control that people just do whatever the state says. It is pathetic.

I was in a car accident in 2019 and we received our "summons" to go to court to press charges against the guy who hit us, by mail as well. That means we did not even need to show up to our own court case!!! What that meant was that our own court case - THE STATE vs. Asshole Drunk Driver Who Hit US - was a lie - as it proved to be!!! Because he got off - if you can believe it. We showed up to the court even though the summons came by mail and the whole thing was a fucking show.

It's just a revenue generator for the state- like I said - they can use a "forever' stamp vs. paying $ ever increasing costs of a certified letter or paying a bondsman to hand deliver it.

Back to the point at hand - JURY SUMMONS SENT BY MAIL is JUNK MAIL and should be THROWN AWAY.DO NOT CALL THE NUMBER ON THE CARD - the moment you call them, or sign anything - you have entered their contract.

Face your fear and toss it in the recycle bin or make some art out of it, and then - remove your name from the Voter Registration through the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Which, by the way, is also a huge scam - "Driver's Licenses" and all that - however going up against them nowadays is pretty impossible since the fraud is so embedded culturally - but the driver's license and the license plate is really for commercial drivers only thereby making the DMV a total fraud department - but anyway - remove your voter registration from the Secretary of State website or by mail - and VOIA LA - you will not receive a jury summons anymore!

Now, you may be thinking - but it's my civic duty! A jury of peers yadda yadda - but then you have scratched the surface of even a bigger fraud than before - NO! That no longer exists. That is just political theater designed to extract more money out of the living souls who show up there.

You would have to find out more from learning and understanding about the Public and the Private and how in the public sector, the UNITED STATES is a corporation and so is every municipality, state government and school district are just subcorps therefore when you go to sit on a jury - it's just a front for the big wheeler dealer scam of money laundering and mafia style BS that is now our fake-ass government run by the global elite - but I digress. You would have a lot more research to do - meanwhile this post is just about THROWING YOUR JURY SUMMONS IN THE TRASH and getting on with your life.

This also goes for the CENSUS. JUST DON'T ANSWER THE DOOR.
NOTHING HAPPENS TO YOU! and you are well on your way to FREEDOM. https://freedomtaker.com/ here is a good website to learn about CENSUS and other stuff - and there are a gazillion websites to take this deep dive. In the meantime, use this opportunity to begin to GET OVER YOUR FEAR of the IRS/GOV FRAUD by tossing your Jury Summons and noticing that

The best place to learn about this stuff is on Telegram. https://t.me/BigSibChat

All of this stuff was a lot more active during the LOCKDOWN era and now that everyone has gone back to sleep - it's harder to find an active group. But if you are serious you can find one.

https://www.howtowinincourt.com/ here is a great class that teaches about Court and how it is supposed to be run. For example - MOST TICKETS these days, are in violation of Due Process Rights and could be thrown out immediately IF the recipient spent a few seconds researching and taking some action... but that's another story.