The role of the International Porn Industry in the Rape of Europe.

in Conspiracy Realists3 years ago (edited)

The BBC did a two part documentary called ‘Hardcore Profits’. This documentary was about the pornography industry. It was created in 2010. One particular 10 minute part from the documentary I have uploaded to my 3speak channel for your viewing linked here. It provides important evidence to the case I am making here and which I made in my second court case. I wrote a hit piece on globalisation on an old website I had, based on this documentary. I was and still am heavily censored on the internet. After I wrote my hit piece some interesting and strange things happened.

I was contacted by a Harvard Professor. She was a female and she had a Chinese name. I am not sure what she taught at Harvard, I no longer have the email. She contacted me to find out if she could use my article in teaching her students. I didn’t respond until I had a VPN. When I did finally respond, I said she could, and that I wrote my piece as a victim of the Europe migrant rape crisis. I never heard back from this Harvard professor.

Within my hit piece on globalisation, I proved its role in creating a rape crisis in Europe. I was able to prove this partly by using this BBC documentary, just one section of the two part documentary proved globalisations role in the European migrant rape crisis, which I would later find the case law to prove that was genocide.

Soon after the Chinese named Harvard Professor contacted me, I discovered that the documentary had been pulled from the BBC website. Perhaps they had realised their error. Perhaps it was coincidence. But with pulling it, it seemed I was unable to prove my argument any more. This was a shame as I had made a rather large claim in my court case which could easily now, be disproven.

My court case has ended since then and I have now managed to find what I believe to be an edited copy of the documentary. The original had stated the men were raping and gang raping the women and children in the villages to the point where those men had been forced to leave the villages. Regardless, another channel had uploaded it to the internet, thankfully.

Due to censorship and due to what I consider important and valuable information and documentaries getting hidden from the public, I have since been extremely keen to upload documentaries to my channel, particularly the blockchain. I think they are all so important, but sometimes just the smallest sections within the documentary can explain and provide evidence for so much of what is happening today in this current genocide. I wouldn’t want the evidence to go missing for anyone else. However, the problem of copyright arises. I will write on this in the future. Valuable information is often what is hidden within what they say, where they only fleetingly mention something, that we see a bigger picture.

The documentary in this section focuses on HIV/AIDS which some believe is a man-made disease, likely originating from vaccines. Whether it means it can still be transmitted via sexual contact, I don’t know, I expect so. The documentary with it’s focus on this allows it to then skirt over another issue of rape in this particular location. And I expect I know why it does this. I expect they distract the viewer, the Western viewer, with the HIV/AIDS issue, so as to avoid raising concern about any mass rape issue on the European shores in the future, because to do that, would possibly have meant more objection to mass migration and a rise in populism.

If more awareness had been raised to the rape side of this issue, then there may have been far greater protesting against the mass illegal migration. However, this is hard to ascertain whether it would have been the case in this Convid era where literally anything, including bad behaviour by governments is acceptable these days to the masses. Furthmore, what we also learn is that these western porn obsessed men are frequently HIV positive. Based on the current science which tells us that HIV is sexually transmitted, and knowing these men have been practising rape since gaining access to porn then we need to look at the warfare that brings to Europe. And the victims these men rape.

These men have become obsessed with Western pornography which stars white women. They are also violently obsessed to the point of raping women and children in their villages. Due to their violence they are removed from their villages. This is perfect for human traffickers who can send these sexually violent men to another country for a fee. They can promise these men lots of white women as they see in the pornography they watch. It might even be the case that they watch pornography with white woman and black men.

I expect so since it is claimed lots of African men write to American porn studios for work. So the pornography they are watching implants in their minds certain sexual behaviours in them and also an impression of white women. After being removed from their village and trafficked to Europe, they then start raping the white women in Europe, and with those rapes and thank goodness this did not happen to myself, but for some it will bring disease.

I expect this is happening on other poor continents too whereby illegal migrants such as the one who raped me are being brought over from. And similarly, they are learning that white women are a certain way. Now consider how white men and particularly in this case women, are being educated to be hyper-empathetic to these illegal immigrants. As with myself, we are being taught to almost pity these people and therefore over-compensate friendliness. Can you see the problem here, when they are watching porn and have one impression, and we are being taught another impression? And in addition to this, with ‘cultural sensitivity training’ within the police but also everywhere, then can you see why I and so many European women got raped? I can.

In my follow up article I will discuss how this equates to genocide under international law and alos the role of pornography in the destruction of society. This clip provides a small glimpse into that destruction in communities.

Thanks fore reading and watching the extract.



we live in a dark world, lust of flesh is used for political gain, money and power. I've heard a number of horror stories from Europe, it's to the point now where us tourists are warned before vacationing there.