nope scarlet fever vaccine did not exist 1911 and there was between 1924-1945 which was proven to be not effective. treatement against scarlet fever is antibiotics (invented during first world war) and prevented by handwashing and not sharing toothbrushes... i guess the decrease of scarlet fever cases is due to antibiotics not vaccine....
so actually i have now no clue why we even discuss scarlet fever if there is no vaccine?
polio is eradicated from most of the world, and we almost eradicated polio if it werent for the antivaccer taliban. but ye u dont have polio in US anymore for example but in pakistan afghanistan.
last smallpox case was in 1977 thx to vaccine.
deseases that are highly contageous require all to be vacinated in order to eradicate them, why would an individual right to refuse to stop spreading the desease be valued more than the right of a baby to live? in order to reach 95% immunity, for every one person who refuses to vaccinate then 19 other people have to get second mmr vaccine, and there are already some who cant take the vaccine for alergy and health reasons.