Finding the Conspiracy in Modern Music | Pt.1 - Musical Idols, Intelligence Agencies & Mass Mind Control (feat. Mark Devlin's "Musical Truth")

in Conspiracy Realists2 days ago (edited)

I always thought "Puff Daddy" is a rather funny name - "Puff" is a German slang term for "brothel". Ouch! And now all this darkness finally surfaces in the public mind, this time hitting the entrenched entertainment industry for those sleepy sleepies to finally take note.

Music and the music industry have been on my mind this year, as I find new hints and techniques almost forgotten in sound design and music production as a whole (I will get into in later parts of this series). Music interests me, and for decades I have witnessed the same trends many others have: Music has somehow lost its edge.

Generally speaking, pop music is a pile of trash these days, especially when compared to the evergreens of the 70's or 80's, speaking solely from an 'objective' quality standpoint. Emotions and lyrical concepts conducive to a better and happier life have been abandoned entirely, in favor of questionable and outright fucked up degeneracy, pandering to the prevailing engineered trends in society that are to be normalized. And they have been normalized through the same industry, for decades.


The story of pedophilia and dark forces behind the entertainment and music industry is much older than the Diddy case. The roots have been traced back and they have astounding origins. The intertwinement of the entertainment industry with military intelligence, the allegations of pedophilia and child abuse, the symbolism and reverence towards occult idols - all of it has been slowly ramped up in music videos, TV series and of course in modern mass rituals once disguised as public celebrations, such as the Superbowl and music award shows. We always find the same handwriting. Repeating symbols and concepts that find their way into content mostly aimed at kids aged 6-12 and up.

I could link videos of Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Jay-Z or countless others here but really the agenda is plainly visible in whatever successful artist we are looking at. It's no longer a secret at all. I will leave the digging to you, as I do not wish to promote the gang's graphic indoctrinations so one example has to suffice here. How about some of Madonna's public appearances of recent years. Does this seem normal to you?

It's so obvious now, the gang itself tells you to wake up from all this nonsense. You are our slave.

Music has been weaponized, and it seems that most of the popular genres of music have been long infiltrated. But is that just a feeling, or is there an actual conspiracy here? The story goes deep. A dive into the recent history of Western music can set the stage to understand what behemoth humanity is up against.

Some people have diligently researched this field further and gathered their findings in their works. One such pioneering work is "Weird scenes inside the canyon" by Dave McGowan, who details many of the obviously eerie connections of military intelligence to the successful artists of the 60s' hippie movement, where the Laurel Canyon part of Los Angeles became the hotbed for successful artists and producers of this new music movement, literally over night. As if it were planned.

Take the Doors for example. Jim himself became one of the symbols for the hippie movement. And the hippie movement may have been a concerted effort to discredit the anti-war movement in those times, an alien over-the-top movement as a public nuisance in contrast to the prevailing conservative mindset in America. A movement unleashed to undermine the peace efforts of large groups who meant to counter the US' war efforts in earnest.

So, what about Jim Morrison, the hero of the counterculture? Jim Morrison's father was the admiral at the center of the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to America's entry into the Vietnam war.

Let that sink in for a moment.

What a coincidence that father and son should be on apparently opposite sides of the same issue. Both Morrisons played a vital role in setting the stage for the decades of social engineering that followed. A script becomes visible.

As ominous as it may seem there are more connections of artists and intelligence agencies of the time. Which brings us to Mark Devlin, author of the book series "Musical Truth", a work that dives into the odd relationships and strange 'coincidences' related to the establishment of the biggest names in pop, rock, hip-hop and R'n'B.

musical truth.jpg

There are great interviews with Mark online, if you want to get a taste of the book and the research. If the Diddy scandal shocks you, it's a great opportunity to dive deeper into the industry and all its resulting social consequences as a whole, which Mark sums up well in his book that is now almost ten years old.

Here's a good interview about the first book of his series:

For those who want to avoid Youtube, you can also listen on the HighersideChats website:

There are also newer interviews online as his research into the topic has only progressed over the years.

This constant degeneration of young people's minds through the rampant use of sexual extremity, the violence-revering lyrics of the biggest mainstream artists, demonic subliminal images in music videos spliced in as single frames, occult ancient symbology in live shows and photo shoots. It is conditioning people, it normalizes those concepts for the youngest among us, and the industry has been doing this for more than a generation now. We are the kids who first got to see this in our school days. The common morality has been shifted ever more drastically, the bar has been lowered steadily, and what was once considered audacious now pales in comparison to what we witness today in public.

Violence is common place in media, pedophilia is outright advertised in music videos and we may see that the whole house of cards comes crumbling down soon. A controlled demolition of the industry for all eyes to see, so that the "new" may arise. Like the gang has always done, tearing down their 'old' in a controlled way and inserting their 'new' - patterns, concepts and icons - in its place.

The old is thoroughly rotten and work like Devlin's has shown that we as people have not paid enough attention to what is presented to our kids as normality.

His "Musical Truth" series now spans three volumes, detailing more and more of the previously hidden aspects of the industry whose "products" nobody can really escape from these days.

You can find more on Mark and his book series on his website:


The conspiracy goes deeper

Well, that used to be my biggest find when it comes to conspiracies in music, and I think it's a good case. But as a musician with a heart, the 'controlledness' of this key indoctrination industry never really surprised me, it is too apparent.

What did surprise me is how the production of music has been intentionally shifted to decouple us from nature by virtue of its tonality and sonic character, devoid of any human emotion.

The way the gang has achieved this is multi-facetted. One of the more obvious key factors is tampering with the human voice to obstruct emotional communication, not merely in word but in tonal quality...


To be continued...

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