Today I want to take a closer look at the moon. ALL of the alien readings come back to it, so let's see if we can gain some clarity on what the heck is going on.
Is it a natural satellite or is it some kind of space base? Is it shooting beams at us to make us crazy? Is it just a rock in the sky?
Let's see what the cards have to say...
The reversed 10 of Swords over the 8 of Swords shows that the moon influences our minds, and it is a source of past trauma. Of course the moon affects us, as it affects the tides and the water in our bodies, but this seems to show some other type of influence. Both of these cards are consistent with the idea of the moon being the site of an alien base. It might mean that there is something actually trapped in the moon.
There is a weirder story that emerges from this reading, and it might be showing that the moon is like a school for the aliens. They are stuck there until they get out of school? I honestly think that Heaven/Hell are the same. They are places we go to learn something that we need to learn, and when we 'graduate' we go somewhere else.
It could be that the moon is actually where spirits go when they go to Hell. This wouldn't really surprise me, if Hell has a physical representation in our reality.
This reading is re-enforcing my suspicions that there is more than meets the eye with the moon. It's not just a big rock floating in space, and it might be weird hellish school for aliens.
I would love to hear any thoughts on this, and also any ideas of other questions to ask.
Live long and prosper, Hive.
I love that art!! This makes me remember a passage we translated for Ancient Greek class about vultures carrying the souls of the dead to the moon. Unfortunately I don’t remember where that passage was from and internet searches have turned up nothing. Also on the subject of vultures, the stone circles at Gobekli Tepe had a pair of stones in the center of the circles where corpses would be placed on a wooden platform and fed to the vultures. This seems to be just one step in the ritual process corpses would undergo. Anyway there’s a connection between vultures and the moon that is very old, and I would say also an old idea that the moon is where the afterlife is or connected to it or a gateway or part of the journey of souls.
I just saw a video on Gobekli Tepe today!
That would be a cool place to visit.
I need to see the old stories about the moon being an afterlife spot.
Wow, I should read more. So far I had only seen the video.
I have been thinking, a decade ago already, that God and Satan may be the same entity. But that was before I learned about the intensity of evil we are dealing with in our current 'reality'. It's more evil than any of us can imagine! Heaven and hell however, could very well be the same place, and both could be here, now, in this dimension, in this density at this frequency. Life is what you make of it, which could be Heaven, or could be Hell.
I completely agree about heaven/hell/earth being potentially the same thing.
I've been to a few parts of the 'not this vibration' Hell, and it's like here, but more segmented and quite a but weirder. Then again, Earth gets weirder every day.
The random word and number: "Rough Riders", 17. (Just taking some notes).
Your deck of cards is really interesting as well. It shows different details than the original cards from the 15th century, or whenever they were made. The classic cards.
The eight of swords, the one from your deck, it shows there's radiation coming from the moon, and I think they send negative thoughts. Positive thoughts come from the ether, and negative thoughts come from the negative forces, from one or more of their bases on the moon. That's what I was thinking last night.
I have been watching the remote viewing show again, the one I mentioned in my reply to your previous video. It even made me read a part of the Bible. Revelation 12:7, it says the dragon, the devil, Satan, came to Earth. And it has been badly influencing us ever since, I think.
The devil is major arcana number 15; the 16th major arcana card. Could that mean something? Maybe in correlation with the random number 17 at the start of the video?
The 'dark side of the moon', should be called the backside. There must be a reason for it, that we never get to see the other side from here. And now there are two Bibles, lying open beside me. I never thought that would ever happen.
Ten million years is a long time. It couldn't be that long. There is knowledge of times before the moon, so it can't be that long. But what else could the ten of pentacles indicate?
Is there gonna be some massive moon event? The five of swords tells me they have been fighting over it. The white flag on that card may indicate ... well, I think they surrendered. Not we, but they surrendered.
Thanks for the reading. You're a good teacher too, I'm learning quite fast, or so it feels. 😀
I just wanted to start boycotting youtube, 100%. I see it's still not possible, I tried once before. Well, a 95% boycott it will be then. Now let me watch your reading. It's a mighty interesting subject!
I understand the desire to boycott Youtube. The real problem is, YouTube is amazing and it always works. All of the decentralized video channels suck and they don't work for shit.
Maybe that will change, or has changed since I tried them...
If you feel better on youtube, you stay on youtube. That's something you decide for yourself. My desire to boycott Alphabet is just my desire. I'm sure you agree, there are good reasons to boycott them, but you don't just stop using fiat currencies just because it's federally counterfeited debt paper. First others will have to accept other currencies. You can't do it on your own. But we'll get there, all of us together, and we'll get there in time.
this is a great reading - so awesome - because my partner was staring at the moon the other night, from our property and he told me he saw cities on the moon. Lights and roads and such. I think it's a base. YOu got the Devil but it was not an answer to a yes or no question - you asked both questions and then got the Devil.
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