Cicada 3301 The Old Solvers Return; New Theories for Cold Trails

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This is the latest Cicada 3301 stream, where I go through the latest findings from the Cicada 3301 discord group as they and I try to solve the Liber Primus and the hidden messages from the Cicada 3301 puzzles. Tonight’s show we went through the predictions from one of the Cicada videos that references a flood, a plague and an economic collapse. Then an old puzzle solver checked in and regaled us with stories from Old Cicada 3301 early days. From which we learned once again the originators of the Liber Primus and the Cicada 3301 group were Iona Miller, Ian Murdock, Thomas Schoenberger and Bruce C Clarke Jr. Lastly the “Muse” of Thomas was predicted by Iona and is clearly the new member of Cicada 3301 Ana Couper.

Show Notes:

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Last time I checked the rules, you were disqualified for working as a team or getting assistance from anyone other than yourself.

That's the type of thinking that lead the previous solvers into a dead end and a cold trail. It's not about you the individual, the Song of the Cicadas is many.

When you trust others with your math, it turns into telephone. I don't see the point in unifying as a collective to solve math problems. If this isn't about personal progression in the field of cryptography then I am not sure what will become of this community basically advertising their own dependence on others to solve the problems for them.

The hardest problems solved by individuals, are no longer gratifying to the others who are trying to solve the same problem, when the work is done for them. It defeats the purpose of attempting to solve the puzzle, if it has been done for you imo.

Interesting quote about the song of cicadas, was there a direct reference to group participation that is noticed?

I mean I discussed this with many of the people who created the puzzles and they stated that we were only ever going to solve Liber Primus by working together. That people's ego's and wanting to be the star of the show was why no one had solved it yet. Some of the puzzles require going to locations on the other side of the world so you have to work with other people.

If you listen to the parable of the Cicada and the Cow from "Zage" it discusses how the Cicada meets with the other Cicadas to create a harmony through music, yet the cow stands alone in the field. The Cicada itself is always with other Cicadas creating a harmony. I take this to mean we should work together. Listen:

The more you know, thanks for responding!

Excellent Cicada Presentation. Very Informative and HIGHLY recommended 🏴‍☠️ 👻