Starry Winter

in Draw A Day9 months ago

It is a winter scene yes that is how I turned the basic shape provided by @theithei for her doodle magic drawing challenge.

Hey guys this is my entry to the doodle magic challenge 130.
It is like looking through this icy and frozen structures and far beyond you see a night sky with little twinkly stars. There is a spectacle if you look beyond that frosty foreground


Here above is the shape we need to work on, at first it looked like a chair but the two protruding parts in the center tickled my creative mind. I saw a bridge hanging up there and broken wanting to connect I could have made that bridge but the scene beyond is more important I think and wouldn't want to take away from it

How about you creative friends what do you see? Hope you join in this challenge too

Keep learning and exploring! Always be curious and never stop learning new things.