Felynth Frystmyra

in Draw A Day3 months ago (edited)

Felix syó jynlir a sythlyn ferila, sa Drivath Koura nyem Snowspire Hollow. Syó firila jentath nyi wimlira karath Nimova Festhal, syth nyo tyrvan pa vyrasha wa syrrindar sammal nyi wivyr. Drivel Felix ne nyem jynlara, itho fennira wa chynlithra satháro me kara wa nívil.

Felix lyth ferala nya moryn dylstir emvyr fura, máth jendith nyem snuvana brima wa thoryndal nyi yndvarlo Nimova. Nyílyth scarla ravryn syor ril caemyra pa sen, lyrio dryst pa hyntra pa nyi marnela jora. Fyra kytelna fyl nyem thynvera, wa shin indra sylynth vorynra samá nyem syrryn lora.

Syla nyi wyntha! Tirsith fyr syth brathnal pa kinvyr, fa karyndal thoryth syth felora dy shynvara!

 3 months ago  

the coat with intricate details is lovely

dashing through the snow lalala lala lala that is a cute ferret


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