
I'm in that same boat! Waiting waiting waiting! Who is your favorite doctor?

For me, that is an almost impossible question to answer because they have all taught me so much.
It is a tie between the 10th Doctor David Tennant & the 12th Doctor Peter Capaldi.
That being said the 13th Doctor Jodie Whittaker is doing a fantastic job.
Please share with me your favorite Doctor?

Very honestly I did not grow up with Doctor Who so it is not a show that has deep importance to me. I grew up on The X-Files and, for me, that fostered a lifelong interest in horror, mystery, and general strangeness! I really look forward to playing Dr Who Worlds Apart as I love TCGs and it will be a way for me to learn more about the Who-Universe!

That is awesome I am also a huge X-Files fan. So being a child of the 70s and 80s that whole visitors from another planet have always fascinated me so I became a quick fan. When it was live on television back in the 90s I was still active duty military and had a hard time catching the episodes in succession.
I have read the books and comic books, Chris Carter is a rare genius, and thanks to Netflix & Hulu I have watched every episode a few times 😀