in Be Entrepreneur10 months ago

Greetings to all friends . Today I'm going to present steps in writing a research project proposal in education


1.1Background to the StudyBackground to the study will be on the introductory part of the research from the broad field of education to peer tutoring and student’s academic performance in Business Studies.
1.2Statement of the Problem
The statement of the problem will be aims at examining the factors that hinder student’s academic performance in Business Studies as an issue of concern to all teachers, government, students, parents, society and stakeholders in education. This
The researcher will also observed other related research topics that have been carried out but not much on peer tutoring and student’s academic performance in Business Studies. It will be on this premise that the researcher will be motivated to appraise the influence of peer tutoring and student’s academic performance in Business Studies in junior secondary school in Onna Local Government Area.

1.3Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study will be to examine the influence of peer tutoring and student’s academic performance in Business Studies in junior secondary school in Onna Local Government Area. Specifically, the study will intend to:
(i) Examine the influence of Cross-Age Tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school in Onna Local Government Area.
(ii) Determine the influence of Reciprocal Peer Tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school in Onna Local Government Area.
(iii)Examine the influence of Peer-Assisted Tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school in Onna Local Government Area.
(iv) Assess influence of examination Class-wide peer tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school in Onna Local Government Area.
1.4Research Questions
The following research questions will be formulated to guide the study:
(i)Does peer tutoring influence academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school?
(ii)To what extent does Reciprocal Peer Tutoring influence academic performance of students in Economics in junior secondary school?
(iii)To what extent does Peer-Assisted Tutoring influence academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school?
(iv)Does examination Class-wide peer tutoring influence academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study will prove to the Government, Students, parents, teachers etc. the need to put into consideration peer tutoring and student’s academic performance in Business Studies in Onna Local Government Area.
1.6 Research hypotheses
Research hypotheses are the formulated statement used as tools to guide the study. Therefore, the following null hypotheses will be formulated by the researcher to guide the study:
There is no significant influence of Cross-Age Tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school.
There is no significant influence of Reciprocal Peer Tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school.
There is no significant influence of Peer-Assisted Tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school.
There is no significant influence of Class-wide peer tutoring on academic performance of students in Business Studies in junior secondary school.
1.7 Limitations of the Study
Limitations of the study are challenges face by the researcher on the course of carrying out the research. Some of the challenges that the researcher will encounter in the process of carrying out this study will be:
i.Lack of finance to adequately procure the required material for the study;
ii.Time given for the completion of the study will not enable the researcher to conduct an in-depth study into the problem situation.
1.8 Delimitation of the Study
The study will be delimited to peer tutoring and student’s academic performance in Business Studies in Onna Local Government Area. The sub-variables considered were Cross-Age Tutoring, Reciprocal Peer Tutoring, Peer-Assisted Tutoring and Class-wide peer tutoring.
1.9 Definition of Terms
Here the terminologies in the research work will be defined as they are used in the study.

This chapter will be much concerned with the past work of other authors as it relates to the study under the identified variables. This chapter will be discussed under the following subheadings: Concept of peer tutoring, Cross-Age Tutoring, Reciprocal Peer Tutoring, Peer-Assisted Tutoring, Class-wide peer tutoring and Students Academic Performance in junior secondary schools and Summary of literature Review.
This chapter will present the methodology used in the research work under the following subheadings.
3.1 Research Design
This subheading shows how the research work will look like. The research design that will be adopted for this study will be a survey research design.
3.2 Research Area
Research area is the area in which the research work will be conducted. Thus, this study will be conducted in Onna Local Government Area.
3.3Population of the Study
Population of the study will be the total number of the objects under study in the study area. The population of this study will be all junior secondary schools Students in Onna Local Government Area.
3.4Sample and Sampling Technique
Sample of the study is the fraction of the entire population in the study area. The sample size will be two hundred (200) Students in some of the secondary schools in Abak Local Government Area. Simple random sampling technique will be adopted by the researcher to select the number of Students that will form the sample size for the study.
3.5Instrument for data Collection
This will be the tools used to collect data for the study which will be Business Studies Achievement Test and a structured questionnaire.
3.6Validity of the Instrument
This is where corrections will be made in the instrument and the corrections effected to suit the purpose of the study.
3.7Administration of Instrument
This is the process where the researcher presents the instrument to the students in order to collect the required data for the study. Therefore, the researcher will visit the school that will be selected for the study and administer the instrument to the students.
3.8Method of Data Analysis
This shows the statistical method that will be used to analyze the data collected for the study. In this study Independence t-test statistical analyses will be used to analyze the data that will be collected.

This chapter will focus on the following subheadings:
Data Analysis*
Data analysis provides the result of the findings in a statistical method.
4.2.Discussion of Findings
Discussion of findings expatiates on the result of the findings and how it relates to the work of other intellectuals.
This chapter focuses on the summary, recommendations and conclusion based on the findings of this study. The following will be the subheadings in this chapter:
Summary of the study is a brief discussion of the pointing out of all necessary point as they revealed in the study.
This is where justifications will be made and conclusions drawn based on the hypotheses that were formulated to guide the study.
Recommendations will be made by the researcher as a result of the findings to the government and others which are to be incorporated in order to enhance success.
This will be the recognition of other authors whose works are cited in this study.
These will also be the works done by the researcher which will not be included in other chapters of the research work as well as rough work that enhance the success of the study.