Here in Maturín is like if someone told them “everyone had to do everything together and at the same time”, then when one day someone said "to set up Pharmacies..." Every week I opened a new pharmacy... result... Within 2 months almost all new pharmacies had gone bankrupt... And we're talking about many of them. Only the very large new ones and the old ones remained, and of course the prices went down, and after they go down in a price war it is very difficult for them to rise again.
This is interesting to read, although the situation is not unknown to me. We've seen this behavior years ago. Since then, many has happened, many businesses have gone bankrupt due to various factors. Price wars are for those who can finance their losses on the long run and kill others in the process. Small businesses have no chance. That's the brutal truth.
That is correct! So, if you are the new and small one, better take care of you are going to do... Try to reach a market with space to you, one market that welcome you instead of killing you...