I've been impressed with how many in Venezuela are making use of Hive as a currency for general use. It's ironic that as a fairly new and advanced technology we haven't been able to get cryptocurrency into general use in 1st world countries. I guess it's just too easy to continue using whatever methods our banks provide us.
Me ha impresionado cómo muchos en Venezuela están haciendo uso de Hive como moneda de uso general. Es irónico que siendo una tecnología bastante nueva y avanzada no hayamos sido capaces de generalizar el uso de la criptodivisa en los países del primer mundo. Supongo que es demasiado fácil seguir utilizando cualquier método que nos proporcionen nuestros bancos.
I suppose it is because they still trust their currency and do not realize the need to use another form of monetary exchange, but over time technology advances and it will be a necessity everywhere.