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RE: Growing as an entrepreneur in Venezuela - Creciendo como emprendedora en Venezuela

in Be Entrepreneur3 months ago

Hay que ser muy dedicado y valiente para dar el paso de emprender, especialmente dejando atrás una profesión para probar suerte en otra área. Tu camino ha sido de crecimiento, espero que sigan llegando muchas más oportunidades para ti.

It takes a lot of dedication and courage to take the step of entrepreneurship, especially leaving behind one profession to try your luck in another area. Your path has been one of growth, I hope many more opportunities continue to come your way.


Yes, it is true that to be an entrepreneur you have to be brave, but also be clear that it is not an overnight path, it depends a lot on us and the desire we put into our venture and when you least expect it, you start to see the fruits. Thank you for your good wishes and your comment.