people are worse than sheep now. There's a moment coming where the mRNA stabbed will face a stark reality that is unavoidable; trusting the wrong powers to make a wrong decision from that trust is going to be the riskiest decision any free-willed human being never made.
That stark reality is a little frightening because we could be easily scapegoated as the source of all the ills suffered by a mRNA stabbed dupe. How important will it be for the dupe to hold onto their delusions at all costs?
people are worse than sheep now. There's a moment coming where the mRNA stabbed will face a stark reality that is unavoidable; trusting the wrong powers to make a wrong decision from that trust is going to be the riskiest decision any free-willed human being never made.
That stark reality is a little frightening because we could be easily scapegoated as the source of all the ills suffered by a mRNA stabbed dupe. How important will it be for the dupe to hold onto their delusions at all costs?