The greatest struggle of working at the Office is the commute. It really drains your energy standing and trying to hail a tricycle, cab jeepneys. Much more when you take multiple routes. But I hope you get used to it so that eventually you won't even notice the struggle. There are lots of things to be thankful for, your job for one, the weather and you health. Enjoy your day and count blessings!
@alfjo1 hello there!. OMG for you to travel two hours going to work and vice versa, honestly its not for me. Hope your company will make a better way for you not to travel like that. How about accommodation, a place to stay for workdays. Your company will provide???? hmmmmm i dont know. Its so hard but be thankful you have a good job. And at the end of everything your still lucky. Its your challenge in life that will keep your dedication and passin to work hard. Just be safe always.
The greatest struggle of working at the Office is the commute. It really drains your energy standing and trying to hail a tricycle, cab jeepneys. Much more when you take multiple routes. But I hope you get used to it so that eventually you won't even notice the struggle. There are lots of things to be thankful for, your job for one, the weather and you health. Enjoy your day and count blessings!
Indeed! Thank you 😊
@alfjo1 hello there!. OMG for you to travel two hours going to work and vice versa, honestly its not for me. Hope your company will make a better way for you not to travel like that. How about accommodation, a place to stay for workdays. Your company will provide???? hmmmmm i dont know. Its so hard but be thankful you have a good job. And at the end of everything your still lucky. Its your challenge in life that will keep your dedication and passin to work hard. Just be safe always.
We're still hoping to be back to WAH set up🤞🤞🙏🙏🙏@katiekate86 hi, thanks for your message☺️