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RE: It is a good night when you wakeup under a Bus in a Hammock

The colour decision needs to be made still I !LUV the swath that I chose originally and think we should go with that...I know you have other ideas on the topic.
I am happy to go wither way but I think the originals colours are best in the long run.


It will be a combo of the original and a few new ones. mostly the basic from the start...just a few new needs to be added. dont worry you will !LUV this new colour....ha and if you dont them well you can go !PGM sand

Alright what every you say...but if I don't !LUV the colour you can go get some !!PGM for yourself I guess ...I don't know what that means so !LOLZ for yea then.
Lets chat and figure this got to get back on the chart room....I don't have much RC left to keep answering all your comments and post on this chain...