sometimes the little time we can give to children will make him very happy, this is a process towards adulthood which is good enough for them, I think they will remember it,
the river in my area used to be like that too, but now the water has started to shrink during the dry season and floods during the rainy season, this is due to massive deforestation carried out by the evil hands of greedy humans,
I am sad to see many rare animals that are almost extinct, do not know where to take shelter, many Sumatran elephants are being hunted to be killed, because they use their crops and agricultural gardens,
it's all our fault for not being able to take care of the environment and not being able to adapt to all other living things, what we know is that our interests are fulfilled and ignore other living things,
let's take care of the environment and protect endemic Indonesian animals and rare animals that are almost extinct in any part of the world for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
one thing i want to say to you @justinparke, you are an amazing father in the middle of your busy life, you still take a little time to accompany your children this is amazing for someone as busy as you,
thank you, good night
I hope for a brighter future little Mey-Yii, she deserves it.
The river here is slowly getting stronger and the flash foods faster because of deforestation. If nothing is changed, it could only be 10 years more that all the nearby forest is gone and the erosion becomes a dangerous problem.
There are still some wild elephants left in Cambodia, but not many. I have met people who have heard elephants in the distance here, but nobody that has every seen one. There once was even rhinoceros in the forests of Cambodia, but they are now extinct, and there are now only a few left in Vietnam.
Thank you for stopping by with some thoughtful comments.