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RE: Artificial flowers and plants in plastic vases. Dhaka New market travel.

There are many products made of plastic, but we just don't think of their negative effects to our environment. This is also a serious environmental problem that the government should focus. I agree, it is better to plant natural flowers or have real indoor plants. This way is also better for our health and environment. Recycling is important to lessen plastic garbage and also proper disposal and collection of garbage.

 10 hours ago  

Yes mate you are right I whole heartedly believe your second message. Because as a unique source of nature and environment, planting trees is a unique strategy to save the world. So we can save the environment by planting trees around the house including windows. Thank you very much for your kind comments. Also you have reviewed my post with great care. Which will make you more experienced about the environment and the use of plastic waste. I hope that the Creator will always endow you with all the skills. thanks friend