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RE: I can see the beach from my condo, I almost never go there


It's pretty rare that I go swimming in large bodies of water. My in-laws have a pool and it is only occasionally that I go in there. It isn't that I don't enjoy swimming. I just rarely have the time to enjoy it I guess. If I had the choice I'd probably rather swim in one of the great lakes versus an inland one. Inland lakes you need to worry about swimmers itch and all of that :P. I totally understand what you are saying about the tourist prices on stuff. It's ridiculous. I keep thinking I should get some of my dad's old photos from Vietnam to share with you, but I have a feeling he would overwhelm me with content if I asked :)

 2 years ago  

swimmers itch

i have never heard of this. I've heard of sea lice

It could be really similar. You usually see it with inland lakes when there is a lot of duck and goose poop. It's some kind of bacteria that basically causes you to get a rash and itch. Most people I know take a shower right away after they swim in an inland lake. Just to be safe.

 2 years ago  

poo poo can be dangerous! I never would have guessed that this was the underlying cause. Sea lice is actually very small plankton-sized creatures that have stinging mechanisms similar to a jellyfish. It's kind of shocking when you go through a swarm the first couple of times because you can't even see them and you tend to go face-first when scuba-diving.

Oh gosh, that sounds horrible. I was always freaked out by jelly fish when I was a kid. I was afraid I was going to get stung by one no matter what type of water I was in!