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RE: 1 week into seriously reduced drinking and I have become a lot more aware of the stupidity around me


I went pretty wild in my early adult years, but I have slowed way down now that I am older. A lot of that had to do with my wife and the people I used to hang out with versus the ones I do now. I am glad you are making these positive choices for yourself. I think you will be happy with how it turns out for you!

 6 months ago  

for sure. I don't want to be like the people that I see at the pubs every day. I just need to find friends that do other things I guess. I've been afraid of changing, cause I built my life around you.... that's me taking the words from Fleetwood Mac but talking about having booze in every social thing that I do.

That's a good way to look at it and also a great song. I wish you the best of luck.