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RE: Taking Nadi (my dog) on a pub crawl


Seven beers across six hours really isn't too bad at all. I hope Nadi didn't jump off the bed in the middle of the night on you after eating that spring roll. It actually looks like it was quite delicious! I think the heat would get to me for sure. I'd be looking for places that have good A/C if I were going on a pub crawl!

 6 months ago  

She did well... Honestly buddy I am starting to worry about her... She recently has started to sit on the floor near the door every time I leave.... she will fall asleep there. In the past she would go to one of her beds..... now she just stares at the door..... long periods of time..... It makes me worry

Yeah, that is sad. She seems healthy though? No aches or pains? I think what finally got us with Jo was when she couldn't get up the stairs anymore. She still had an appetite and as much energy as you could expect from a 14 year old dog, so that made it hard. After the fact someone made the comment "she's ready when you are ready". We probably made Jovi suffer longer than we should have, but she had no way of letting us know. It doesn't sound like you are at that point yet though.

 6 months ago  

no I am far from that point and am grateful for that. She has no aches that I am aware of, just doesn't have much energy for activity but that is fine. She can sleep the whole day away all the time if she wants to!

At that age for sure. We didn't even feel bad letting Jo sleep as much as she wanted. She more than earned it after us dragging her around for 13 years!