Ooh, I haven't read the book but my wife has. She said it was really good. We watched the show that they made from the book on Netflix together and I thought it was excellent. I hope you enjoy the book. It is kind of crazy how much plastic they use in containers for take out. Even here in the US where they have started to cut down on that sort of thing it's crazy. Did you know in the Denver area they outlawed bags? So like you either have to pay for a bag or carry all your take out in a balancing act to your car. It's crazy.
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I don't agree with banning bags. I saw a fun little short the other day of a woman walking through a grocery store and how everything in there was packaged in plastic, sometimes packed in plastic and then wrapped in plastic as well but you can't have a bag. I think we point the fingers at the wrong parties frequently. The book is great and I am happy that I avoided the Netflix movie or series because every chapter is a surprise to me. I recommend it for sure
You'll have to watch it after you finish the book to see how it compares. I thought it was pretty decent without reading the book. Yes, it is pretty silly the things they choose to focus on sometimes. In Michigan they now have recycle bins at the Meijer store where you can put your used plastic bags in them. We usually give ours to my brother in law for his store, he reuses them there. There are even people who take the plastic bags and turn them into floor mats and handbags. It's crazy. My mom was making them to send to Haiti for a while, but they found out that people were attacking women and stealing their recycled plastic bag handbags, so they stopped sending them!