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RE: Tomato Chutney 👨‍🍳🍅 The Perfect Partner For Samosas 🥟🤌

Here in South Africa chutney is virtually a national food! Forget condiment. So I get it. Teenagers can be excused for changing their tastes (and minds) during the years that they are no longer children but not quite adults 😎

 3 years ago  

I forgot you were SA, for some reason I thought you were an Aussie. Well you've got plenty of tasty Indian food there, is there such thing as creolized S African/Indian dishes? That would be an interesting mix of flavors. In Suriname we found that samosas and roti belonged to everyone, not taboo for a Javanese woman to make samosas nor an Indian sell a little nasi goreng, but never really saw any kind of creole food.

Yes it is interesting although the Afrikaaners like their sweet savouries so you lose a lot of that spicy impact which is so wonderful about Indian dishes.