The Cherry Breaker event is SOLD OUT


A lot of planning goes into making these very large events where the trail spans over 20km so it is just wonderful when the registration completely fills up before the event. This one worried us a bit when we first announced it and didn't get much international interest, but once it was opened up to men as well the registrations came fast and furious. We actually had to turn a few people away which is something that we do not like to do but we can only accommodate so many people.


This is the 5th annual running of the Cherry Breaker and it has grown in popularity since it was first done 5 years ago. We kept expanding it to more and more people every year and there was some worry a few months ago that we had bitten off more than we could chew by allowing more than 100 participants this year. Thankfully, a lot of people seem to just want to give us a minor heart attack since many of the preparations were already paid for, but in the end the rush of people that waited until the last minute filled all the empty slots.

I need to clarify that when I say "we" I mean the Chiang Mai Bunny Hash which is managed entirely by the women Hashers of Chiang Mai. I don't actually have anything to do with the organization of it, nor does anyone else who is male.


We first started advertising this event in mid July, and when we got to the beginning of October and still didn't have half of the spots filled, a decision was made by the bunny admin to allow men to participate. Well I guess that was what was needed because all the rest of the slots were filled in the next two weeks. It turns out that a lot of international interest was there, but it was in the form of couples and the women didn't want to travel to Thailand on their own. It turns out that was all it took to fill it up and from what I recall we have people coming from as far away as Canada to participate in this annual event.

It will be a great time and the more the merrier!

It's not happening for nearly another month but at least now all the Bunnies can stop stressing out about the sunk costs because it is now all taken care of. If you got your spot, congratulations! You are going to have a great time. If you missed out and would like to join us, we still have at least 3 runs every week here in Chiang Mai and you need not wait for a large event to come along and join. Just take a week vacation to Chiang Mai and come on 3 full runs with us! Full information about all upcoming runs can be found on our official and poorly designed website

On On!


 7 hours ago  

Im sure this event will be really Fun. If I am at the place, I would willingly join this exciting event. ☺️