The Right Kind of Love | Reflection on Elizabeth Barrett Browning


I recently came across Elizabeth Barrett Browning's story. To be honest, I've never been a fan of Victorian-era writers, so I had no clue about her history. But after reading an article about her, I realized there was something to learn from her story. Many years ago I bought a copy of Sonnets from the Portuguese, but I didn't finish it because I struggled with the Victorian English. It's a wonderful and romantic poetry collection, it's not that bad but the language is too difficult for me. I would love to reread it if a “modern English translation” is available. Still, her story stayed with me.

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Her story is one of liberation from tyranny and not only romance and poetry. It's about breaking out from a life that constrained her and embracing one that allowed her to thrive. And what made this possible was true love from her husband. It's the kind of love that cares for, supports, and lets her grow into her fullest self.

Before meeting her husband Robert Browning, Elizabeth lived under her father's oppressive authority. Her narcissistic father had complete control over his children's lives. He forbade them from marrying, possibly to maintain control over the family wealth. He also seemed to view his children as his possessions rather than individuals with their own dreams. Elizabeth, who was already dealing with chronic illness, was confined to her room, and her world shrank under his power.

Then Robert came along. He didn't only like her poetry but also noticed her for who she truly was. He saw her brilliance and fire even when she felt like a feeble, sick woman stuck in a life she didn't want. Robert believed in her, and that belief gave her the strength to take the biggest risk of her life by fleeing her father's clutches. She eloped with Robert and started a new life in Italy. How romantic!

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Her marriage and living in Italy made her thrive. The warm climate restored her health, and the distance from her father gave her peace. Robert's constant support and love helped her create some of her most famous works, Casa Guidi Windows and Aurora Leigh. And her poetry continues to soar after her marriage.

Maybe some argue that not everyone needs a Robert Browning to be successful in their life. I agree, however, I believe everyone needs the right environment and support to achieve our greatest potential. We all need to be surrounded by people who believe in us and give us the safe space to create, explore, and become the person we're meant to be.

I've been lucky to have a family that never made me feel like my love for reading, writing, or art was a waste of time. No one put me down for it. No one made me feel like I had to justify why I create. Because of that, I've been able to strive and achieve things in life without fear. That's what has significantly changed my life.

Elizabeth’s story is about more than simply rebelling against an overbearing father or a passionate love affair. The focus of her story is what happens when someone eventually finds a supportive environment to achieve their potential. Because when we are given the freedom to be more than what others expect, that’s when we don’t just shine—we thrive.

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That's it for now. If you read this far, thank you. I appreciate it so much! I'm a non-native English speaker, and English is my third language. Post ideas and content are originally mine. Kindly give me a follow if you like my content. I mostly write about making art, writing, life musings, and our mundane yet charming family life here in Klang Valley, Malaysia.

Note: If you decide to run my content on an AI detector, remember that no detectors are 100% reliable, no matter what their accuracy scores claim. And know that AI detectors are biased against non-native English writers.

Note: All images used belong to me unless stated otherwise.

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Oh it has been so long since I have come across some poetry and one from the Victorian era no less. I have struggled also to find real meaning behind the lines. I admire people who can take a look at it and instantly connect with the words as if it was plainly stated. I am glad you enjoyed reading. I hope you get to finish it all.