This does seem all too common. The story is always the same. A group of expats assembled at the bar at 10:00 am, and the discussions are the same no matter where you are.
I haven't been here long, but have seen it enough times I almost question if I drink enough to qualify as an expat here! 😆
I like the 'live and let live' attitude of Thailand, but at what point does that create more problems than it solves? That could certainly be an interesting discussion!
Well, back to work for me. The farm keeps me far to busy to hang out in the bars. Probably a good thing!
Keep up the good stuff my friend!
Richard Taylor
I think not drinking enough to qualify as an expat is something that I face here as well. Those boys at the bar would never accept me as one of their own but honestly, that doesn't bother me a great deal. They are all fat, seem to be miserable, and are in terrible health and seem to be content to stay that way.
I think anyone that is on a beer before noon unless it is a holiday or something like that has problems.