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RE: Taking Nadi (my dog) on a pub crawl

Galaga was the space ship game that you used to shoot rows of space ships above that looked like bees and every now and then would swarm down and either shoot you or try and capture you. I have not played this in years and did not even know it was still around.

7 beers plus exercise in between is kind of normal, but I would need a snack first. I have not down a proper pub crawl in years and remember the Golden Mile in Durban where we had a good 20 pit stops to knock off in about 5 hours. I would not do that now as you would most likely get mugged before making it half way.

 6 months ago  

it's tragic to hear what has become of Durban and other places. I hear the stories a lot over here from people that are refusing to return to their own country out of fear. Some that I know are seeking political asylum.

On a lighter note though, 20 locations would be a ton to take on. Even though I have quite the tolerance I don't think I could handle 20 beers.