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RE: Panther found! He has been escorted off the mountain and is now receiving treatment

A proper happy ending and glad you guys did a few tests and he is now on the mend. Our ex stray is a big dog in general and is now on diet much to his displeasure. He is still growing and would like to see him lose a few kilograms over the coming months. Big dogs have problems with their hind legs so this is for his own good.

 3 months ago  

Hip dysplasia is a very common problem with large dogs as I am sure you know and much of this stems from human environments including stairs that a dog wouldn't often encounter in the wild and being overweight, which would almost never happen in the wild. It is good that you are doing the diet, many people don't do that and a majority of people over-feed their pets thinking they are skinny when they are actually much more healthy when they are skinnier.